Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Lesson 5



Creating Distance Learning Courses

Assignment 1

Catalyst EPost
tool - EPost allows you to create a threaded, Web-based message board for your students to compare notes, discuss assignments, and work together online. Messages can be posted and read with any Web browser. You have control over who has access to the EPost forum, and you can even allow students to use pseudonyms to make them feel more comfortable.

You'll be using EPost to do Assignment 1. Take a moment to familiarize yourself with its features.


1. Compose and post a short biography to the Lesson One discussion forum. This biography should include:

  • one paragraph about yourself, including your professional profile and one thing you like to do in your spare time;
  • one paragraph about the subject and learners you hope to teach by distance learning; and
  • based on what you've reviewed so far, one paragraph on the challenges you forsee.

To post your biography, access the Lesson One discussion forum. Note: If this link does not work, copy and paste the following URL into your Internet Explorer or Netscape browser window and go to this address:


Follow these instructions for using the EPost threaded discussion forum.

2. Read the postings of one or more of your colleagues and post a reply.

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