Washington State
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Interagency Work Group
In 1995 the Washington State Legislature unanimously passed Substitute Senate Bill 5688. Most recently, the State Legislature passed House Bill 1168. These pieces of legislation directed the Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS), Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI), the Department of Health (DOH), and the Department of Corrections (DOC) to execute an agreement to ensure the coordination of programs for individuals who have had fetal alcohol exposure and for women at high risk of having children with fetal alcohol exposure. This legislation also included the first provision in Washington State history for family advocacy groups to participate in the planning, development, delivery, and review of services that are administered or contracted by the agencies executing the agreement. The Division of Alcohol and Substance Abuse (DASA) has voluntarily served as program chair of the Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Interagency Workgroup (FASIAWG) since it's inception in 1995, to ensure continued development and implementation of services.
Other members of the FASIAWG include:
The first year, 1995, was spent creating the agreement. Representatives came together to coordinate the different viewpoints of each agency with the perspectives of family advocacy groups. The Interagency Agreement was completed and signed on December 28, 1995. In 1996, the FASIAWG reviewed and evaluated the practicality of implementing recommendations made to then Governor Mike Lowry from the Governor's Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Advisory Panel. A four point agenda from this report became the 1997-1999 charter for the FASIAWG:
The FASIAWG represents a diverse spectrum of programs designed for individuals with FASD and their families. This network of educational, research, and clinical services responds to the legislative mandate to ensure coordination of identification, prevention, and intervention programs for children who have FASD and for women at high risk of having children with FASD.
Key Reports include: Recommendations from the WA FASD Interagency Work Group (2014) and WA FASDPN 29th Annual Report: Summary of Progress from July 1, 1995 through June 30, 2024..
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