
The Neurochip3 is a small biophysical signal recorder designed for open and closed loop stimulation experiments.  Depending on the version of the Intan Technologies amplifier chip, data from 16 differential or 32 single-ended recording sites can be sampled at up to 20,000 samples per second and stored on a micro SD card for off-line analysis.  Spike discrimination can be performed on up to 8 of these channels to drive spike-time dependent stimulation experiments.




Neurochip3: An Autonomous Multichannel Bidirectional Brain-Computer Interface for Closed-Loop Activity-Dependent Stimulation, Front. Neurosci. 15:718465. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2021.718465. [PDF]



Download links:


Neurochip3 Power Point Presentation


Neurochip3 User's Manual (v3.32)


Neurochip3 Software CD (



Older versions:


Neurochip3 User's Manual (v3.26)


Neurochip3 Software CD (



Hardware Overview


Firmware (FPGA and CPU)

