Laboratory Members and Alumni

Eberhard Fetz

Principal Investigator

Professor Emeritus (active)

Physiology and Biophysics, and DXARTS

[Curriculum Vitae]

[Personal Page]

Steve Perlmutter


Physiology and Biophysics


Rob Robinson

Research Scientist

Physiology and Biophysics

Samira Moorjani

Research Assistant Professor

Physiology and Biophysics

Larry Shupe

IT Specialist

Physiology and Biophysics



2020 ~ 2023

Richy Yun

Graduate Student


Becky Burch

Research Scientist

Physiology and Biophysics

Jonathan Mishler

Graduate Student




2010 ~ 2020

Stavros Zanos

Pre and Postdoctoral Fellow

Assistant Professor

Center for Bioelectronic Medicine

Feinstein Institute for Medical Research, Manhasset NY

Andrew Richardson

Postdoctoral Fellow

Research Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery

University of Pennsylvania

Irene Rembado

Postdoctoral Fellow

Allen Institute for Brain Science

Lucia Shumaker

Research Scientist

Physiology and Biophysics


Andrew Bogaard

Postdoctoral Fellow

Physiology and Biophysics

Sarita Walvekar

Research Scientist Assistant

Physiology and Biophysics

Tyler Libey

Predoctoral Fellow



Hayley Boyd

Undergraduate Student



Brian Mogen

Predoctoral Fellow



Camille Birch

Undergradutate Student


Stephanie Seeman

Predoctoral Fellow



Becky Schaefer

Research Scientist

Physiology and Biophysics


Ryan Eaton

Predoctoral Fellow

Research Associate

UC Davis

Zach Roberts

Graduate Student


2000 ~ 2010

Kazuhiko Seki

Postdoctoral Fellow

National Institute of Neuroscience, NCNP, Tokyo

Andrew Jackson

Postdoctoral Fellow

Univeristy of Newcastle, England

Chet Moritz

Postdoctoral Fellow

Associate Professor

Electrical Engineering

Rehab Medicine and Physiology & Biophysics

University of Washington

Timothy Aumann

Postdoctoral Fellow

University of Melbourne, Australia

Yukio Nishimura

Postdoctoral Fellow

Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science


Timothy Lucas

Pre/Postdoctoral Fellow

Assistant Professor


University of Pennsylvania

Guogi Wu

Postdoctoral Fellow



Colleen Kirby

Research Scientist



1990 ~ 2000

Yifat Prut

Postdoctoral Fellow


Hebrew University


Tom Knight

Predoctoral Fellow



Gary Russo

Postdoctoral Fellow

Environmental Scientist, EPA

Takashi Kawashima

Postdoctoral Fellow

Associate Professor Neurophysiology

Gifu University, Japan

Marc Maier

Postdoctoral Fellow


University of Paris

Ilan Lampl

Postdoctoral Fellow

Weizmann Institute

Rehovot, Israel

Daofen Chen

Predoctoral Fellow

Program Director


Fumi Aoki

Postdoctoral Fellow

Karolinska Institute, Stockholm

Venkatesh Murthy

Predoctoral Fellow

Professor and Chair

Molecular and Cellular Biology

Harvard University

Jonathan Garlid

Research Scientist

Masatoshi Niwa

Postdoctoral Fellow

Tokyo, Japan

Eric Raman

Medical student

CEO of HemoCept, Seattle

1980 ~ 1990

Wade Smith

Predoctoral Fellow

Director Of Neurovascular Services



Lloyd Glenn

Postdoctoral Fellow

Professor of Neurobiology

Ohio College

Podiatric Medicine

Alex Reyes

Predoctoral Fellow


Neural Science


Cameon Ivarsson

Postdoctoral Fellow


Didier Flament

Postdoctoral Fellow

Resort owner


Charles Capaday

Postdoctoral Fellow


Brain & Movement Laboratory

Technical University of Denmark

Annie Schmied

Postdoctoral Fellow

Faculty des Sciences d’Orsay


Timothy Cope

Postdoctoral Fellow


Dept. of Biomedical Engineering Emory University

Pierre Fortier

Postdoctoral Fellow

Associate Professor

Cellular and Molecular Medicine

University of Ottawa

Michikazu Matsumura

Postdoctoral Fellow

Kyoto Univiersity


1970 ~ 1980

Suzanne Sawyer

Predoctoral Fellow

Department of Biology

Oral Roberts University


Paul Cheney

Postdoctoral Fellow

Professor Emeritus

Molecular and Integrative Physiology

University of Kansas

Richard Martin

Postdoctoral Fellow


Michael Soso

Predoctoral Fellow


University of Pittsburgh

Mark Bromburg

Postdoctoral Fellow

Chief, Division of Diagnostic and Clinical Neurology

University of Utah


Dwight German

Postdoctoral Fellow

Professor, Psychiatry

UT Southwestern


Kenneth R. Courtney

Graduate student


1960 ~ 1970

Mary Ann Baker

Postdoctoral Fellow

Professor Emeritus

Biomed. Sci. UC Riverside

Dom V. Finocchio

Research Associate



Pre-Fetzlab (1960 ~ 1969)

Patrick Wall

Thesis Advisor

Biology Department



Mitchell Glickstein

Post doctoral advisor

Physiology and Biophysics

University of Washington



Erich Luschei

Graduate Student

Physiology and Biophysics

University of Washington