Synaptic interactions between neurons
The synaptic interactions between neurons can be documented by spike-triggered averages (STA) of intracellular membrane potentials and by cross-correlation histograms (CCH) [1] (Fig. 1). In primate motor cortex STAs of membrane potentials exhibit features representing post-spike unitary potentials as well as synchrony effects [2] (Fig. 2). CCH's also documented the synaptic connections between motor cortex neurons whose activity was modulated during wrist movements [3]. The relationship between these two measures was documented directly by determining the effects that excitatory postsynaptic potentials had on the firing rate of spinal motoneurons, for both compound [4] and unitary EPSPs [5] (Fig. 3).
Motor cortex neurons can exhibit widespread oscillatory interactions. These oscillatory episodes are evident in the local field potentials, to which many neurons are entrained [6]. The functional role of these oscillations remains a subject of debate, but a plausible hypothesis is that they represent a top-down attentional mechanism [7].
Figure 1. Synaptic interactions measured with STA and CCHs [1]
Figure 2. Interactions between cortical neurons produce post-spike and synchrony potentials [2].
Figure 3. Relation between unitary EPSPs and resulting correlograms in motoneurons [4]