FCCS Command Line Instructions

The Fuel and Fire Tools application contains the FCCS calculator and a command-line interface. You can run large sets of fuelbeds through the FCCS calculator from a command prompt by specifying a fuelbed directory.

  1. Open a command prompt. In Windows, you can type “cmd” in the search box of the Start menu, and a command prompt will open.
  2. Change directories to the FCCS_3 folder within the Fuel and Fire Tools folder. For example:
    > cd c:\FuelFireTools\FCCS_3
  3. Launch the calculator to get basic usage instructions.
    > java –jar fuelbed.jar
  4. To run the FCCS for all fuelbeds within a folder (named “SampleFB” in this example and located within c:\FuelFireTools\FCCS_3) using the benchmark environmental scenario, simply type:
    > java –jar fuelbed.jar SampleFB\*.xml
  5. To run the FCCS for the same fuelbed folder under a specified moisture scenario, first edit the file fccs_moisture.csv (which is located in c:\FuelFireTools\FCCS_3). Then type:
    > java –jar fuelbed.jar SampleFB\*.xml –p moisture_file=fccs_moisture.csv
  6. To convert the output file (fccs_summary.csv) to metric values, type:
    > python.exe fccs_post_process.py fccs_summary.csv metric_all.csv metric_output.csv true
  7. For other commands, such as specifying an output filename and location or specifying wind or slope inputs, please refer basic usage instructions within the command prompt.

Input definitions

A sample FCCS moisture file is located within the FCCS_3 folder (c:\FuelFireTools\FCCS_3\fccs_moisture.csv).

Variable Definition (English, metric units) Sample Unit
oneHourFM Fuel moisture content of 1-hour time lag wood (0-1/4 inch diameter) 6%
tenHourFM Fuel moisture content of 10-hour time lag wood (1/4-1 inch diameter) 8%
hundredHourFM Fuel moisture content of 100-hour time lag wood (1-3 inch diameter) 10%
liveNonWoodyFM Live fuel moisture content of herbaceous fuels 30%
liveShrubFM Live fuel moisture content of shrubs 60%
crownFM Live fuel moisture content of tree crowns 60%

Output definitions

FCCS outputs will be found in the FCCS3 folder (e.g., c:\FuelFireTools\FCCS_3\fccs_summary.csv). Outputs are currently only in English units.

Table 1: FCCS batch output variables and definitions.

Variable Definition (English, metric units) Sample output
English units
Filename Fuelbed filename FB_0053_FCCS.xml
FB_ID Fuelbed ID (alphanumeric) 53
FB_name Fuelbed name Pacific ponderosa
pine forest
FCCS_Code 3-digit code representing surface, crownfire, and available fuel summary potentials, respectively 446
SFP Surface fire behavior summary potential (0-9 index) 4.27
Surface_Reaction Reaction potential (0-9 index) 3.61
Surface_Spread Spread potential (0-9 index) 4.27
Surface_Flamelength Flame length potential (0-9 index) 3.23
CFP Crown fire behavior summary potential (0-9 index) 4.45
Crown_initiation Crown fire initiation potential (0-9 index) 3.16
Crown_Transmissivity Crown to crown transmissivity potential (0-9 index) 8.85
Crown_spread Crown fire spreading potential (0-9 index) 4.26
AFP Available fuel summary potential (0-9 index) 6.42
Available_Flame Flame available fuel potential (0-9 index) 3.22
Available_Smolder Smolder available fuel potential (0-9 index) 2.43
Available_Residual Residual smolder available fuel potential (0-9 index) 0.76
ROS Rate of spread, benchmark environmental scenario (ft, m) 4.55
FL Flame length, benchmark environmental scenario (ft, m) 2.60
RI Surface reaction intensity, benchmark environmental scenario (BTU ft-2 m-1, KJ m-2) 2041.21
RI_shrub Shrub component reaction intensity, benchmark environmental scenario (BTU ft-2 m-1, KJ m-2) 0
RI_herb Herb component reaction intensity, benchmark environmental scenario (BTU ft-2 m-1, KJ m-2) 351.78
RI_wood Downed wood component reaction intensity, benchmark environmental scenario (BTU ft-2 m-1, KJ m-2) 504.60
RI_LLM LLM component reaction intensity, benchmark environmental scenario (BTU ft-2 m-1, KJ m-2) 1184.82
Xwalk13 Crosswalk to 1 of 13 original fuel models under benchmark scenario 9
ROS%13 Percent different ROS from crosswalk 13 fuel model, benchmark environmental scenario 66.78
FL%13 Percent different Flame length from crosswalk 13 fuel model, benchmark environmental scenario 104.01
Xwalk40 Crosswalk to 1 of 40 standard fuel models, benchmark environmental scenario 188
ROS%40 Percent different ROS from crosswalk 40 fuel model, benchmark environmental scenario 99.01
FL%40 Percent different FL from crosswalk 40 fuel model, benchmark environmental scenario 86.68
User_ROS Rate of spread, user environmental scenario (ft, m) 4.55
User_FL Flame length, user environmental scenario (ft, m) 2.59
User_RI Surface reaction intensity, user environmental scenario (BTU ft-2 m-1, KJ m-2) 2002.58
User_RI_shrub Shrub component reaction intensity, user environmental scenario (BTU ft-2 m-1, KJ m-2) 0
User_RI_herb Herb component reaction intensity, user environmental scenario (BTU ft-2 m-1, KJ m-2) 313.16
User_RI_wood Downed wood component reaction intensity, user environmental scenario (BTU ft-2 m-1, KJ m-2) 504.60
User_RI_LLM LLM component reaction intensity, user environmental scenario (BTU ft-2 m-1, KJ m-2) 1184.82
User_xwalk13 Crosswalk to 1 of 13 original fuel models under user environmental scenario 9
User_ROS%13 Percent different ROS from crosswalk 13 fuel model, user environmental scenario 66.78
User_FL%13 Percent different FL from crosswalk 13 fuel model, user environmental scenario 103.63
User_xwalk40 Crosswalk to 1 of 40 standard fuel models, user environmental scenario 188
User_ROS%40 Percent different ROS from crosswalk 40 fuel model, user environmental scenario 99.01
User_FL%40 Percent different FL from crosswalk 40 fuel model, user environmental scenario 86.36
Tree_over_crown_load Overstory tree crown load (tons ac-1, Mg ha-1) 9.22
Tree_mid_crown_load Midstory tree crown load (tons ac-1, Mg ha-1)
Tree_under_crown_load Understory tree crown load (tons ac-1, Mg ha-1) 0.295
Tree_aboveground_load Aboveground biomass of trees (tons ac-1, Mg ha-1) 56.00
Snag_class1_foliage_load Class 1 snag with foliage crown load (tons ac-1, Mg ha-1) 0.12
Snag_class1_wood_load Class 1 snag with foliage wood load (tons ac-1, Mg ha-1) 4.64
Snag_class1_other_load Class 1 snag other wood load (tons ac-1, Mg ha-1)
Snag_class2_load Class 2 snag wood load (tons ac-1, Mg ha-1) 1.96
Snag_class3_load Class 3 snag wood load (tons ac-1, Mg ha-1) 0.43
Ladderfuels_load Ladder fuel load (tons ac-1, Mg ha-1) 3
Shrub_primary_load Primary shrub load (tons ac-1, Mg ha-1)
Shrub_primary_crown_load Primary shrub crown load (tons ac-1, Mg ha-1)
Shrub_secondary_load Secondary shrub load (tons ac-1, Mg ha-1)
Shrub_secondary_crown_load Secondary shrub crown load (tons ac-1, Mg ha-1)
Shrub_needleDrape_load Shrub needle drape load (tons ac-1, Mg ha-1)
Herb_primary_load Primary herbaceous load (tons ac-1, Mg ha-1) 0.05
Herb_secondary_load Secondary herbaceous load (tons ac-1, Mg ha-1) 0.01
Woody_sound_1hr_load Sound 1hr wood load (tons ac-1, Mg ha-1) 0.1
Woody_sound_10hr_load Sound 10hr wood load (tons ac-1, Mg ha-1) 1.5
Woody_sound_100hr_load Sound 100hr wood load (tons ac-1, Mg ha-1) 1.5
Woody_sound_1000hr_load Sound 1000hr wood load (tons ac-1, Mg ha-1) 8
Woody_sound_10khr_load Sound 10,000hr wood load (tons ac-1, Mg ha-1) 3
Woody_sound_GT10k_load Sound >10,000hr wood load (tons ac-1, Mg ha-1) 0
Woody_rotten_1000hr_load Rotten 1000hr wood load (tons ac-1, Mg ha-1) 3
Woody_rotten_10k_load Rotten 10,000hr wood load (tons ac-1, Mg ha-1) 1.5
Woody_rotten_GT10k_load Rotten >10,000hr wood load (tons ac-1, Mg ha-1) 0
Woody_pile_load Pile load (tons ac-1, Mg ha-1) 0.04
Woody_stumps_sound_load Sound stump load (tons ac-1, Mg ha-1) 0.04
Woody_stumps_rotten_load Rotten stump load (tons ac-1, Mg ha-1) 0.03
Woody_stumps_lightered_load Lightered stump load (tons ac-1, Mg ha-1)
LLM_litter_load Litter load (tons ac-1, Mg ha-1) 1.52
LLM_lichen_load Lichen load (tons ac-1, Mg ha-1) 0.00
LLM_moss_load Moss load (tons ac-1, Mg ha-1) 0.13
Ground_upperduff_load Upper duff load (tons ac-1, Mg ha-1) 3.4
Ground_lowerduff_load Lower duff load (tons ac-1, Mg ha-1) 15.3
Ground_basalaccum_load Basal accumulation load (tons ac-1, Mg ha-1) 0.08
Ground_squirrelmid_load Squirrel midden load (tons ac-1, Mg ha-1)
Total_aboveground_biomass Total aboveground biomass (tree and shrub crowns excluded from this sum) (tons ac-1, Mg ha-1) 56.01
Depth_shrub Depth of shrub stratum (ft, m)
Depth_herb Depth of herb stratum (ft, m) 1
Depth_wood Depth of wood stratum (ft, m) 0.08
Depth_LLM Depth of litter-lichen-moss stratum (ft, m) 0.1
Depth_Surface_Fuels Depth of surface fuels (ft, m) 0.04
PercentCover_shrub Percent cover of shrub stratum (%)
PercentCover_herb Percent cover of herb stratum (%) 11
PercentCover_wood Percent cover of downed wood stratum (%) 45
PercentCover_LLM Percent cover of litter-lichen-moss stratum (%) 100
Version FCCS version number 3.0.197