Outline of Lecture 3, Monday Jan. 8

Selection represents systematic differences in the chance that individuals will contribute genes to later generations. It can represent differences in survival or in reproduction.

The fitness of a genotype is measured relative to the fitness of an arbitrary reference genotype, normally the most fit. For example, the following shows a case in which dominant homozygotes and heterozygotes are most fit, and recessive homozygotes are much less fit, such as is seen for many recessive genetic diseases:

genotype AA Aa aa
fitness 1.0 1.0 0.2

The fitness of an allele depends on what genotypes it finds itself in, so we can't determine it unless we know the genotype frequencies, or can estimate them using Hardy-Weinberg.

We determine the total population fitness W as:

W = pAAwAA+ pAawAa+ p aawaa

and can then find the fitness of each allele:

wA= (pAAwAA+ 1/2 pAawAa) / W

wa= (1/2 pAawAa+ p aawaa) / W

Note that the allele fitnesses will change if the allele frequencies change. A classic example is that a rare recessive has very little fitness effect even if it is lethal in the homozygote, because when it is very rare, it is almost never in homozygotes.

A population fitness less than 1 does not mean a dead population, just a population that is not reaching its maximum possible fitness.

An alternative way to write these is in terms of a selection coefficient-the proportion of fitness lost due to a particular genotype. Usually wAAis taken as a reference, waais assigned the selection coefficient s, and the fitness of the heterozygote is represented by a multiplier h.

genotype AA Aa aa
fitness 1.0 1-hs 1-s

The multiplier h can then be thought of as a measure of dominance. h=1 means that a is dominant, h=0 means that it is recessive, h=0.5 means that it is perfectly additive.

Directional / Purifying selection

Additive or Co-dominant

genotype AA Aa aa
fitness 1.0 0.75 0.5

s = 0.5, h = 0.5. In this case p awill drop smoothly toward 0. Example: melanin in sunny climates.

Selection against Recessive

genotype AA Aa aa
fitness 1.0 1.0 0.5

s = 0.5, h = 0. In this case p awill drop rapidly when a is common and then slow down, approaching 0 very slowly. The a alleles are hidden in heterozygotes and wabecomes very close to 1. Example: phenylketonuria.

Selection against Dominant

genotype AA Aa aa
fitness 1.0 0.5 0.5

s = 0.5, h = 1. In this case p awill drop slowly when a is common (since there are few AA individuals competing with it) and speed up as a approaches 0. Example: Huntington's disease.

Overdominant and underdominant cases are usually written in terms, not of s and h, but of s1 and s2, selection against or for the two heterozygotes.

Balancing Selection / Overdominance / Heterozygote Advantage

genotype AA Aa aa
fitness 0.9 1.0 0.2

In this case p awill approach a value that maximizes W and stay there. Both A and a will persist in the population. The equilibrium point depends on wAAand waa(in this case, it's p A= 0.89, p a= 0.11). Examples: Sickle-cell anemia.

(If you're interested, the formula is:

p A= s2/(s1 + s2)

which basically says that the frequency of A depends on the proportion of the homozygous fitness loss that is due to a .)

Disruptive Selection / Underdominance / Heterozygote Disadvantage

genotype AA Aa aa
fitness 1.0 0.8 1.0

In this case we cannot know what will happen unless we know where we started. If p Astarted out higher than 0.5 we will move to p A= 1.0. If it started out lower than 0.5 we will move to p A= 0.0. There is an equilibrium point at exactly 0.5 but it is unstable. Any least change will start the population moving to 1.0 or 0.0.

An interesting case is the following:

genotype AA Aa aa
fitness 1.0 0.4 0.8

Here the population will move to all A or all a depending on starting frequency, which means that in some cases it will move to all a even though that is not the maximum possible fitness. Populations move to a local maximum, not the overall maximum. Example: butterfly mimics.

Overall Notes

Directional and disruptive selection remove variation from the population, while balancing selection maintains it.

A population may evolve into a suboptimal state. With heterozygote advantage, the optimal state is unreachable for genetic reasons-there is no way to have only heterozygotes, short of a change in the genetic system. With heterozygote disadvantage, the optimal state is reachable but may not be reached if the starting conditions are wrong.

Questions for later in the course:
