Our recent 2018 Nature Photonics paper shows how surface passivation can allow record carrier lifetimes, and achieve over 97% of the theoretical quasi-Fermi-level splitting (voltage) measured in the archetypal perovskite, methylammonium lead triiodide. Congratulations to Dane and Ian for a great paper and fruitful collaboration. Nature Photonics volume 12, pages355–361 (2018) DOI: 10.1038/s41566-018-0154-z
Category: Publication
Probing Ion Transport in Conjugated Polymers
Raj’s paper uses Electrochemical Strain Microscopy (ESM) to show that ion-uptake varies as a function of local structure in conjugated polymer films. It appeared only today in Nature Materials, along with a nice News and Views. By using multimodal scanning probe microscopy to reveal how local structure controls ion uptake in electrochemically active polymers the work opens the door to the design of new materials for organic bioelectronics, polymer-based battery electrolytes, and related applications. Polymers from our collaborators in the Luscombe Group made the study possible.
Multimodal microscopy methods reveal perovskite solar cell performance limits in the contacts. Read the paper by postdocs Giles Eperon and David Moerman online now at ACS Nano
Record photoluminescence lifetimes and quantum yield in hybrid perovskite thin films
Writing in the new journal ACS Energy Letters, Ginger Lab Ph.D. students Dane deQuilettes, and Mark Ziffer, along with visiting student Susanne Koch, undergraduates Sven Burke, and A.J. Shropshire, and NMR facility manager Rajan Paranji describe using surfactants to passivate surface states in hybrid perovskite thin films, obtaining the longest photoluminescence lifetimes and highest photoluminescence quantum efficiencies to date in hybrid perovskite thin films.
Thanks to the ACS Energy Letters publication and editorial team for a fast turn-around on a paper in this fast-moving field!
First direct chemical imaging of halide motion in perovskites publication in Nature Communications
Dane’s work providing the first direct chemical imaging of halide motion in perovskites is published in Nature Communications and is receiving lots of press!