Author: echrun

18-0040 – Replication data: Is the International Court of Justice Biased?

Author: Eric Posner and Miguel de Gigueiredo Time period: 1948-2004 Access data here.

18-0039 – Replication data for paper on ICJ and ICC legitimacy

Author: Emilia Justyna Powell Time period: 1984-2009 Access dataverse link here.

18-0038 – Inter-American Court of Human Rights Project Database

Authors: Cesare Romano, Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Review Time period: 1988-2017 Access database here.

18-0037 – University of Minnesota Human Rights Library

Author: University of Minnesota Human Rights Center Access library here.

18-0036 – CIRI Human Rights Data Project

Authors: David L. Cingranelli, David L. Richards, and K. Chad Clay Time period: 1981-2011 Access data here.

18-0035 – Replication data: The Politics of Constitutional Review in Germany

Author: Georg Vanberg Access dataverse link here.

18-0034 – Replication data for: Legislative-Judicial Relations: A Game-Theoretic Approach to Constitutional Review

Author: Georg Vanberg Time period: 1983-1995 Access dataverse link here.

18-0032 – Gender Jurisprudence and International Criminal Law Project

Author: American University Access database link here.

18-0031 – Legifrance

Author: Government of France Access database here.