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Physics & Engineering

Physics & Engineering Folk

About Us

The IC Physics and Engineering Program is located in the IC Annex. We provide drop-in support for all undergraduate physics and engineering courses, but 100 and 200 level classes have priority over upper division classes. We also offer workshops in the following classes:

Electrical Engineering Pre-engineering Physics

EE 215
EE 233
EE 235
EE 331
EE 341

AA 210
CEE 220
ME 230

PHYS 114
PHYS 115
PHYS 116
PHYS 121
PHYS 122
PHYS 123


  • Go to lecture.
  • Go to office hours.
  • Read the text book.
  • Try to solve the assigned problems on your own before you
    ask for help.
  • We are often crowded, so please wait your turn.
  • Do not interrupt if we are working with another student.
  • Do not wait until the last minute.



University Book Store UW Civil Engineering Office of Minority Affairs and Diversity
University of Washington Physics UW Mechanical Engineering University of Washington
UW Electrical Engineering UW Chemical Engineering  


Hubble Site Gallery Los Alamos National Laboratory
Spires, bibliographical search in high energy physics journals AIP History of Science
Contributions of 20th Century Women to Physics Periodic Table of Elements with physical properties data
NIST’s physical reference data Atomic Data cross sections, etc.
Students for the Exploration and Development of Space great site CPO hundreds of science and education related sites
Science Hobbyist Bill Beaty’s pages of advanced science projects Physics World Links to lots of physics resources worldwide
Webb Space Telescope Gallery Fairview Microwave Electrical Engineering Careers for Women and People of Color