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Every quarter, we have study workshops that help students prepare for their exams in sociology. These workshops show students how to organize all their lecture notes and readings in a meaningful way so that they can better process the information and do well on their exams. These workshops are being held 3 to 4 times before each exam.   In these review sessions, students can also form study groups and review the materials together. Drop in tutoring is also available in the writing center on a case by case basis.

In the past, we have offered workshops for the following courses:

Soc 110, Soc 212, Soc 222, Soc 271, Soc 275, Soc 287 and Soc 316.

In addition to these sessions, students can also get individual tutorial help for writing papers related to their sociology courses.

Students who come to these sessions prepared; by having their readings done, by having taken good lecture notes, and attending their lecture courses and quiz sections regularly, will benefit most from these study workshops.