Activities and Findings (Major Research Findings)

II. C. Major Research Findings

II.C.1 Field Observations

While a number of specific analyses are underway in the affiliated labs of project participants at the University of Washington, Harvard, Hokkaido University, and Sakhalin Regional Museum, preliminary findings can be presented on the basis of field observations. In all cases, these observations are based on the results of a preliminary and necessarily incomplete first season of survey over a large region, and more fieldwork can be expected to lead to substantial revision.

  • 1. The archaeological team located, documented and tested a total of 11 archaeological sites in the Kuril Archipelago and 5 in southern Sakhalin Island.
  • 2. While the age ranges of archaeological sites remains speculative pending the result of radiocarbon analyses, the Kurils appear to have been occupied, at least intermittently from the terminal Jomon period ("Epi-Jomon" or "Zoku-Jomon") of about 3000 BP to recent centuries. In at least two instances, ceramic data may relate to somewhat earlier occupation (on Matua and Chirpoi Islands).
  • 3. Occupation of the central Kurils (Chirpoi to Onekotan Islands) was sparse, and, in all cases, settlement was limited to a relatively small number of locations on larger islands with fresh water streams, good beaches, and reasonably flat surfaces. In spite of this, substantial settlements, often with numerous semisubterranean houses were established throughout the Kurils in prehistory. Many of these settlements appear to date to the Okhotsk (ca. 700 - 1100 AD) and Ainu (ca. 1100 - 1945 AD) periods, although the earlier Epi-Jomon remains are found in some large sites of the central Kurils. Discovery of Jomon or Epi-Jomon cord marked ceramics on the island of Matua extend the geographical distribution of this culture farther northeast in the Kuril Islands than had been previously known.
  • 4. Preliminary observations indicate the geomorphic landscape history of the islands is complex. Due to their location in a tectonic subduction zone, the islands are subject to episodic periods of faulting, uplift, submergence, and volcanic activity with impacts varying significantly from island to island and even within a single valley (e.g., Nemo Bay on Onekotan). In many locations, Holocene volcanic activity has disturbed island ecology and geomorphology, likely burying archaeological sites of earlier times but also providing potentially invaluable chronological markers. In addition to natural environmental impacts on the archaeological record, we observed significant disturbance by WWII activities (including Japanese defensive installations and American bombing missions), as well as post W.W.II, Soviet military installations and associated activities.
  • 5. Probably because of the acidic nature of the predominantly volcanic sediment, archaeological deposits in the Kurils tended to lack well preserved organic remains, including fauna. Nevertheless, we were successful in locating and sampling several preserved archaeological faunal deposits. These are currently being identified in the University of Washington archaeology laboratory. Preliminary evidence suggests that sea mammals, fish, birds and shellfish were the predominant targets of prehistoric hunter-gatherers.
  • 6. In one very interesting excavation at the Peschanaya Bay site on Chirpoi Island, we discovered two sets of sea lion skulls placed at cardinal directions
  • 7. Thorough testing of the Nemo Bay site on northern Onekotan Island resolved a mystery that had been partially responsible for initial interest in an archaeological investigation of the Kuril Islands. A series of large raised rings (ca. 8-15 meters in diameter) have been found to be effectively devoid of archaeological remains. Based on the nature of the features (some withsquare depressions in their centers) and US military maps from the early World War II era, we now conclude that these features were Japanese military installations, possibly decoy anti-aircraft positions, used in the early 1940s and then cleaned out. Similar features with remnant gun footings as well as bunkers can be found on the terrace surrounding the Nemo Bay valley. While the large rings turn out to be of recent origin, we did locate evidence of a considerably older, prehistoric site in Nemo Bay. Several water-worn stone tools and flakes were recovered at the outlet of the valley stream, suggesting that hunter-gatherers had camped in the dune fields close to the ocean several hundred if not several thousand year ago and that river erosion and wind deflation subsequently eroded these deposits.
II.C.2. Ongoing analyses:

Laboratory research is currently underway to better justify and revise the above conclusions and to address a number of additional research topics:

University of Washington (USA)

  • Charcoal samples are under analysis to identify prehistoric wood use (local vs. driftwood) and eventually, where possible, patterns of species use.
  • A set of approximately 30 radiocarbon samples selected from critical strata of Kuril and Sakhalin sites will soon be sent to an AMS facility for dating.
  • Archaeological faunal samples are being cleaned, labeled, and cataloged to the closest taxonomic level. These samples will then be analyzed for spatial and temporal patterns of changing resource use, changes in the distribution of endemic fauna, and human impacts on indigenous populations.
  • Stone flakes/discarded chips removed in the process of tool production are being analyzed to identify stone raw materials used. Geographical variation will be used to identify changes in human migration/trade. Parallel study of local rock types represented in beach sand and gravel deposits will seek to identify previously unknown local raw material sources.
  • Site maps and site locations are being transferred to computer files for settlement pattern analysis and publication.
  • A comprehensive archaeological database is being compiled that joins site files, artifact data, digital photographs, and soon, the results of the several other analyses discussed here. This database will soon be integrated into the IKIP Archy Web site for sharing of research results/resources between project participants and others.
Harvard (USA)
  • Dr. Carole Mandryk is studying prepared profile drawings and sediment samples from archaeological stratigraphy to characterize the history of archaeological site formation and to reconstruct aspects of the environment at the time of past human occupation. Through this work, and in collaboration with Dr. Ishizuka's work, Dr. Mandryk will be able to correlate archaeological and volcanic events and ultimately lead to greater understanding of the effects of volcanic eruption and sedimentation on island biota (non-human and human). Similar studies are ongoing concerning landscape geomorphology, as indicative of dynamic variability in past landscapes (sea level, seismic activity, etc.).
  • Dr. Mandryk is also analyzing sediment series for evidence of prehistoric pollen and botanical macrofossils to reconstruct paleoecological change in different parts of the Kuril chain.
Historical Museum of Hokkaido (Japan)
  • Dr. Kaoru Tezuka is analyzing pottery decorations from ceramic fragments found in the Kurils to better link central and northern Kuril culture history with the more thoroughly research ceramic phases of Hokkaido and the southernmost Kurils.
  • Dr. Tezuka is also conducting ethnohistoric studies and literature review of Japanese sources describing the rituals of animal sacrifice and household ritual. This information will be critical to the interpretation of the sea lion skulls found buried at the Peschanaya Bay site on Chirpoi Island.
Hokkaido University (Japan)
  • Volcanic ash and pyroclastic rock samples are under analysis by Dr. YoshihiroIshizuka. He is characterizing the mineral content of volcanic ejecta by means of x-ray diffraction (XRF) methods to develop mineral signatures of specific eruption events, which will allow inter-island correlation. Radiocarbon analysis of organic remains (charcoal and paleosols) bracketing volcanic samples will help to assign chronometric ages to specific eruptions. Dr. Ishizuka is combining these results with geomorphological data to interpret the landscape effects of volcanic eruption and sedimentation.
Sakhalin Regional Museum (Russia)
  • Dr. Valerii Shubin and his team are preparing and analyzing site plans made during the field season. These plans are then being converted to computer format at the University of Washington.
  • All formal tools (ceramics, stone and bone tools, metal objects, etc.) from the Kuril and Sakhalin archaeological research, catalogued by the American archaeological team in the field, analyzed by Dr. Shubin and his associates. These tools form the primary evidence for placing these sites into the skeletal culture history of the Kurils and southern Sakhalin. They also provide some of the most direct evidence for human activities performed at different locations.
  • While Dr. Shubin has investigated archaeological sites of all periods and throughout the Kurils, his primary interest there is in the remains of Russian American period occupation (ca. 18th and 19th centuries AD). Shubin has spent over 20 years excavating a Russian American period settlement on Urup Island. He is currently pulling together evidence recovered this past summer pertaining to this intriguing occupation phase throughout the archipelago, as well as preparing a manuscript on the history of archaeological research of all periods in the Kuril chain.

University of Washington Department of Anthropology. This webpage last updated: 27 November 2000.