
A. Publications

Given the short time back from the field (2 months), no publications have yet been produced by the IKIP archaeological/geological research. Several are in the planning stage, however. These include:

  • General report of the IKIP 2000 archaeological survey results: Overview of previous research, goals of current research, general summary of archaeological findings and future potential. (Fitzhugh, Shubin, Tezuka, Mandryk)
  • Report of the Peschanaya Bay site and excavations of House 31 with a focus on the apparent ritual interment of sea lion skulls at cardinal directions. (Fitzhugh, Shubin, Tezuka, Mandryk).
  • Geoarchaeological and geomorphological analysis of the Kuril chain: evidence from archaeological and volcanic contexts. (Mandryk and Ishizuka)
  • History of archaeological research in the Kuril Archipelago. (Shubin).
III. B. Web Sites

A web site has been established for the benefit of international data exchange between IKIP archaeologists/geologists and for the dissemination of preliminary research results.

While the site will be expanded as data products come available, the basic site can be viewed at

III. C. No other specific products have been produced.

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University of Washington Department of Anthropology. This webpage last updated: 27 November 2000.