Established in 1974, the Journal of Japanese Studies features original, analytically rigorous articles from across the humanities and social sciences, including comparative and transnational scholarship in which Japan plays a major part

Ito 49:2


How to Read—and Be Read by—Konjiki yasha:
Reception, Performance, and the Turn-of-the-Century Japanese Novel

In 1902, a literary journal carried the account of a group of men and women who had gathered to discuss Ozaki Kōyō’s Konjiki yasha (The golden demon, 1897–1902). The account—which belongs to a genre known as gappyō, or “joint review”—provides insights into a distinct Meiji mode of reading. Bringing the joint review into conversation with Western reader-response theory, this article uncovers a view of reading as a transaction between a text and its readers that produces multiple interpretations through the performance of social positionalities.

Volume 49, Number 2 (Summer 2023)
© 2023 Society for Japanese Studies