Established in 1974, the Journal of Japanese Studies features original, analytically rigorous articles from across the humanities and social sciences, including comparative and transnational scholarship in which Japan plays a major part

Submission of Manuscripts

Original manuscripts of up to 13,000 words may be submitted for consideration for publication in The Journal of Japanese Studies. Essays appropriate for submission will generally be of suitable length (usually at least 10,000 words), will engage recent Japanese-language scholarship on the work’s subject, and will be suitable for the JJS readership.  We strive to reach decisions on submissions within three months of receipt.  Manuscripts previously published or under consideration for publication elsewhere cannot be considered. Copyright of original material published in the Journal is to be assigned to the Society for Japanese Studies. If a version of the work you submit has previously been posted on a website, please provide information on where and when in a cover letter with your manuscript. We will consider essays that have appeared on the Internet in previous versions, especially those essays that address our interdisciplinary readership, but the version you submit to JJS should be different from what has been available previously.

JJS may consider submitted essays that (1) have origins as working papers but (2) have been substantially revised. To preserve the double-blind refereeing process, authors are urged to remove from the web any earlier versions of works they submit to JJS for consideration for publication. Please contact JJS with questions about any particular work and its suitability for submission and for clarification regarding any potential copyright conflicts.

Authors should submit their work in an electronic file (PDF or Microsoft Word) sent as an email attachment to The file should include a 100-word abstract.

Manuscripts are read anonymously by our referees. Thus we ask that authors not include their names in the running head on each page and not identify themselves in the manuscript, footnotes, or the File Properties information attached to the electronic version. To help further protect your anonymity as author, please give the draft you submit to JJS a unique title, one that would not be found connected to your name in an Internet search. When essays are accepted for publication, authors are given the opportunity to add any citations or acknowledgments omitted for the refereeing process.

Manuscripts must be double-spaced with notes (also double-spaced) at the end. Tables and figures should appear on separate pages and included at the end. Authors of manuscripts accepted for publication will be asked to furnish professional quality, camera-ready copy for graphs, figures, and other illustrations. Permission to reprint any images in a manuscript shall be obtained in writing by the author and must cover both print and electronic republication. Japanese terms should be written in the Hepburn style of romanization. Contributors are requested to consult the Journal’s style sheet.

All inquiries on submission of manuscripts and all books for review should be addressed to:

The Journal of Japanese Studies
University of Washington
Box 353650 Thomson Hall
Seattle WA 98195-3650 U.S.A.