Katie Dobkowski
Doctoral Student

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Photo of Katie Dobkowski

I joined the Ruesink Lab to pursue a PhD in biology in 2012. The overarching theme uniting my anticipated dissertation research is biodiversity in nearshore subtidal and intertidal marine communities and factors that influence it. All of my field work takes place at Friday Harbor Labs and I’m an AAUS scientific diver for the University of Washington. I am conducting research on the strength of species interactions between Northern Kelp Crabs (Pugettia producta), numerous species of macroalgae (including bull kelp, Nereocystis luetkeana), and other species of invertebrates in the nearshore subtidal to understand what level of top-down control kelp crabs might exert in this system. I will also be analyzing historical intertidal algal community data from Cattle Point, San Juan Island, Washington.

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Katie Dobkowski's Publications:
UW Biology | University of Washington
Created by Lee McCoy, Updated by Jerome Tichenor, March 19, 2013