Civil Rights & Labor History Consortium | Photo and Document Gallery | 1919 Seattle General Strike | Strike sites today | Free Tom Mooney mass meeting at Dreamland Pavillion

Free Tom Mooney mass meeting at Dreamland Pavillion
The campaign to free Tom Mooney helped set the stage for the Seattle General Strike. 4,000 workers attended this protest meeting Feb.22, 1918 Free Tom Mooney Protest Address: Dreamland Pavilion On February 22, 1918 the Iron Molders’ Union paraded down the streets of Seattle to Dreamland Pavilion where 4,000 unionists were rallying to protest the imprisonment of Tom Mooney. Tom Mooney, an iron worker and socialist party leader, had been imprisoned in California for allegedly throwing a bomb during the 1916 Preparedness Day Parade in San Francisco. His imprisonment was widely contested by union members along the West Coast and the incident in Seattle at Dreamland Pavilion was one of many attempts by Seattle labor to show their support for his release.

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