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Analyzing UW Language Enrollment Data by Year

Select colors to use for datasets

Top value after filtering:


Please watch the video to the right for an introduction to the LEDS system.


The Legend shows what data is being displayed for the corresponding colored line on the chart. The default value is the total Enrollment for the year.

Data Sets:

Under the heading 'Select colors to use for datasets' are a series of colored boxes. Boxes with a circle inside represent a data set being displayed for that color. Boxes with an X are unused data set colors. The default starting state is one dataset (bright green) being displayed that shows the total enrollment. The color does not matter. You can choose any colors you would like for your comparisons.

Adding and Removing Data Sets: If you wish to add another data set to the chart for comparison, click on any box with an X and that color should move to the left and the shape inside shold change to a circle. If you wish to remove a dataset, you can click on a box with a circle and it will move to the right again. If you wish to reset all of the data sets, just refresh the page.

Data Set Options:

You can show or hide all of the options for a legend data set by clicking the colored box (+ shows, - hides).
If the options are showing, you can open and change the filter being used for that data set. The filter has several different categories, namely Quarter, Language, Department, Level.
When you hide or show a dataset the system does NOT change the filter or anything else. For example: you can set dark green to Korean, bright blue to Chinese, pink to Japanese and then easily show all three, or any two of them, or any one of them just by showing and hiding the datasets. The default filter for each category is to pass everything i.e. combine All quarters, all languages, etc.

Filter Categories:

If you click on a category name, you can show or hide all the available choices for the category.
For example: if you click on Language you get to see all the languages on which you could be filtering. If the language name is shown in BLACK it is included in the filter, if it is WHITE it is being excluded. So, if Spanish is the only language shown in black when you are looking at the entire list, then that is the only data that is passing the filter and being shown on the graph. If you have two languages in black, Spanish and Estonian, then you are looking at the combined results for those two languages.

  • QUARTER: Filter by the quarter - Only shows data for the quarters that are selected. If nothing is selected, it will show data for all quarters.
  • LANGUAGE: Filter by the language - Only shows data for the languages that are selected. If nothing is selected, it will show data for all languages.
  • DEPARTMENT: Filter by the department - Only shows data for the departments that are selected. If nothing is selected, it will show data for all departments.
  • LEVEL: Filter by the level - Only shows data for the levels that are selected. If nothing is selected, it will show data for all levels. A level can be thought of the year of language study that a particular course would be included in. For example, Korean 101, is a first year course, so the level would be 1. However, if Korean 301 is a first year heritage language course, it also would be included in level 1. To be clear, the level number has to do with the assumed or declared year of sequencial language study not the course number. A level 0 course is one that has not been assigned a level. This is due to either no information yet being available on the course regarding it's level, or it can occur after fresh data is imported but there has not been enough time to set the level values for all of the new data.

When a category has an active filter, such as when you have selected a language like Spanish, the color of the category changes, Languages:, to GOLD to let you know that it has an active component. Furthermore when you minimize the list of all the languages, we both leave the category title in GOLD and show you the actual language(s) that you have active in the filter.

When you minimize the filter for a data set by clicking on the colored box with the minus symbol - , you are left with a text title that describes the filter that you are using. This is what shows up as the text on the Legend, thus a legend of ::Spanish:: means you are looking at all levels of Spanish, for all quarters, and for all departments. If the legend was :AUT:Spanish:: You are looking only at Spanish that was taught in the Autumn quarter. If the legend reads :SPR:Danish, Spanish:: You are looking at the combined enrollments in both Danish and Spanish courses taught only in the Spring quarter and if it reads ::Spanish:Germanics: you are looking at all the Spanish courses that have been taught by the Germanics department (which has traditionally been null and probably should remain so).

WARNING: Lastly - please remember that the final datapoint on the graph is ALWAYS incomplete. While the academic year is still on-going the full data for that data point is not yet available and of course, by the time we do have full data for the last academic year we are already started on the next year. So the graph will ALWAYS show a serious drop off for the last datapoint and that is NOT a trend. It is an artifact of the fact that this is LIVE data, and thus NOT complete. Therefore, the last datapoint is almost always NOT comparable to any of the previous ones. Caveat Emptor!

About the project:

Application designed by Marlin Eller.
Pilot project assisted by Wendy Kempsell.
Supported by the office of the UW Division Dean of Humanties.