Congratulations to former group member Craig Chapman on joining the faculty at the University of New Hampshire! Craig was a postdoc in the group some years ago and we’re happy to see him going on to bigger and better things.

We’ve posted a few videos of some interesting electronic dynamics calculated with our new software package Chronus Quantum. A big thanks to our own Joshua Goings for making these. Check out how the electron density is perturbed by on resonant electric fields.

We are pleased to announce that the Beta version of Chronus Quantum is now available on GitHub! All are encouraged to obtain a copy of the code to aid in the open source, community-driven development of the this software package. Chronus Quantum is an ab initio computational chemistry software package that focuses on explicitly time-dependent and unconventional post-SCF quantum mechanical methods. You can get more information on the package by clicking on “Software” above or visiting