2014 High School County Maps

The MELL project is providing the following county maps for Washington based on data from the Spring 2014 world language enrollments reported in the OSPI CEDARS database. For more information about CEDARS, visit https://www.k12.wa.us/data-reporting/reporting/cedars.

For specific data about world language enrollments by school, district, county, and language, download: CEDARS World Language Enrollments Spring 2014 (Excel).

Impact of World Language Competency-Based Credits

Since 2011, students in Washington State have had the opportunity to take nationally available language proficiency tests to demonstrate their ability to read, write, listen, and speak in a language other than English. They can potentially earn from 1 to 4 high school competency-based credits in any number of world languages. Competency-based credits allow for an alternative path for students to fulfill revised state graduation requirements that necessitate students to graduate with at least 2 world language credits.

District reporting of competency-based credits has not been consistent, so variations from year to year may reflect the data reporting, but not the actual testing in the districts.

MELL first reported on Competency-Based Credits in 2013 (Policy Brief #12 Fall, 2013: Trends in High School Language Offerings 2004-2012 | PDF). The counts should have been much higher in 2014 (based on the volume of Competency-Based Credit testing in a number of districts in the state that year), but it appears that the districts were not able to successfully update their data in the state database, CEDARS. We are working with OSPI to get the data corrected for 2015 and future years.

For more information about Competency-Based Credits, visit: OSPI Website, Competency-Based Credits.

Note: In the descriptions of the maps below ''Added'' means that in 2014 the county had districts that reported enrollments in this language, but in 2013 did not. ''Dropped'' means that in 2013 the county had districts that reported enrollments in this language, but in 2014 did not.

Jump to: At least 2 years | 4 or more years | 2 or more languages |
Arabic | ASL | Chinese | French | German | Italian | Japanese | Korean | Latin | Native American | Russian | Spanish | Vietnamese

In the 2014 OSPI CEDARS data, high schools in 39 out of 39 counties reported offering at least two years of a world language. (2013: 39, 2012: 39, 2009: 39)

In the 2014 OSPI CEDARS data, high schools in 28 out of 39 counties reported offering four or more years of the same world language (for example, students may have begun language study in middle school and continued through the AP level in high school). (2013: 29, 2012: 32, 2009: 29 | Dropped: Grays Harbor)

In the 2014 OSPI CEDARS data, high schools in 37 out of 39 counties reported offering 2 or more world languages at their schools. (2013: 37, 2012: 33, 2009: 33)

In the 2014 OSPI CEDARS data, high schools in 39 out of 39 counties reported offering Spanish. (2013: 39, 2012: 39, 2009: 39)

In the 2014 OSPI CEDARS data, high schools in 32 out of 39 counties reported offering French. (2013: 34, 2012: 34, 2009: 29 | Added: Douglas, Wahkiakum | Dropped: Ferry, Kittitas, Pend Oreille, Skamania)

In the 2014 OSPI CEDARS data, high schools in 30 out of 39 counties reported offering German. (2013: 30, 2012: 30 , 2009: 21 | Added: Wahkiakum | Dropped: Okanogan)

In the 2014 OSPI CEDARS data, high schools in 24 out of 39 counties reported offering ASL. (2013: 27, 2012: 28 , 2009: 17 | Added: Douglas | Dropped: Chelan, Lewis, Lincoln, Skamania )

In the 2014 OSPI CEDARS data, high schools in 20 out of 39 counties reported offering Japanese. (2013: 24, 2012: 25 , 2009: 21 | Added: Douglas, Lincoln, San Juan | Dropped: Benton, Grant, Jefferson, Klickitat, Lewis, Mason, Okanogan)

In the 2014 OSPI CEDARS data, high schools in 17 out of 39 counties reported offering Chinese. (2013: 22, 2012: 16, 2009: 5 | Added: Douglas, Pacific, Skagit | Dropped: Chelan, Clallam, Grant, Island, Jefferson, Kitsap, Lewis, Mason)

In the 2014 OSPI CEDARS data, high schools in 16 out of 39 counties reported offering Latin. (2013: 13, 2012: 17, 2009: 4 | Added: Kitsap, Wahkiakum, Yakima)

In the 2014 OSPI CEDARS data, high schools in 9 out of 39 counties reported offering Native American Languages. (2013: 9, 2012: 9, 2009: 7 | Added: Pierce, San Juan | Dropped: Grays Harbor, King)

In the 2014 OSPI CEDARS data, high schools in 9 out of 39 counties reported offering Russian. (2013: 11, 2012: 9, 2009: 5 | Added: Chelan, Lewis | Dropped: Grays Harbor, Island, Skagit, Yakima)

In the 2014 OSPI CEDARS data, high schools in 3 out of 39 counties reported offering Arabic. (2013: 5, 2012: 6, 2009: 1 | Added: Clark | Dropped: Pacific, San Juan, Spokane )

In the 2014 OSPI CEDARS data, high schools in 5 out of 39 counties reported offering Italian. (2013: 5, 2012: 5, 2009: Not listed | Added: Island, Pierce | Dropped: Stevens, Yakima)

In the 2014 OSPI CEDARS data, high schools in 3 out of 39 counties reported offering Korean. (2013: 5, 2012: 6, 2009: Not Listed | Added: Clark | Dropped: King, Pacific )

In the 2014 OSPI CEDARS data, high schools in 3 out of 39 counties reported offering Vietnamese. (2013: 2, 2012: 1, 2009: Not listed | Added: Clark, Spokane | Dropped: Whatcom)

About the MELL County Data

The 2014 High School County Maps reflect data submitted by high schools on the 2014 OSPI CEDARS data. Note that some schools on the master list of high schools obtained from OSPI did not respond to email or phone requests to complete the survey. Schools that could not be reached were excluded from the dataset (hence 100% of high schools on our list submitted the survey).

2014 - High Schools

County 2014 # High Schools CEDARS Data
Adams 3
Asotin 2
Benton 11
Chelan 9
Clallam 6
Clark 27
Columbia 1
Cowlitz 9
Douglas 6
Ferry 3
Franklin 5
Garfield 1
Grant 11
Grays Harbor 10
Island 5
Jefferson 4
King 79
Kitsap 18
Kittitas 5
Klickitat 9
Lewis 12
Lincoln 7
Mason 4
Okanogan 8
Pacific 8
Pend Oreille 4
Pierce 39
San Juan 5
Skagit 7
Skamania 2
Snohomish 47
Spokane 35
Stevens 14
Thurston 15
Wahkiakum 1
Walla Walla 7
Whatcom 13
Whitman 10
Yakima 22
Total 452

*Note: # of High Schools in County counts all schools that were reported in the OSPI CEDARS data report of schools with world language enrollments in Spring 2014. Some were actually middle schools, but the students were able to earn high school credits so the schools were listed in the query.