
From 2004 to 2009, data reported by the Mapping and Enhancing Language Learning (MELL) Project were collected through MELL surveys of schools. The surveys were available online for schools to complete on their own or could be completed over the phone when the UW MELL assistants contacted the schools directly. The surveys allowed MELL to capture a variety of data about the kinds of language programs offered in the schools. Schools that did not offer language programs could also submit surveys indicating that. Since 2010, MELL has not had funding to collect separate surveys, but has been utilizing data collected from the world languages enrollments reported in the OSPI Comprehensive Education Data and Research System (CEDARS), a longitudinal data warehouse of educational data based on standardized state course codes. See Data for more information about CEDARS.

Based on the earlier MELL surveys, profile reports were created to display the data (except personal contact information) submitted on the surveys by each school. The Profile dates reflect the June date of the academic year (i.e. 2007 refers to surveys collected in the 2006-7 academic year, 2008 to surveys collected in the 2007-8 academic year, and 2009 to surveys collected in the 2008-9 academic year).

2009 - High Schools (both public and independent)

High School Profiles 2009 (PDF) [sorted by County/District/School]

2008 - Elementary & Middle Schools

Elementary & Middle School Profiles 2008 (PDF)
Elementary & Middle School Profiles 2008 (Schools that do not offer WL) (PDF)

2007 - High Schools

High School Profiles 2007 (PDF)