Microtechnology Lab


1. Diamagnetic triangular levitating frictionless rotor.  Theory based on dynamics and magnetostatics is developed for predicting equilibrium positions of diamagnetically levitating magnets and their required stability. The novel levitation technique demonstrated here is proven to be effective and will have a wide range of applications. 

  Experimental  Levitating Rotor

2. Diamagnetic levitating frictionless generator (energy harvesting).  Three phase rotor levitating above microfabricated coil loops. No energy required. Can levitate at room temperature.

  Top view of the generator Side view of the generator

3. Inkjet printer. Constructing inkjet printing and laser system for fabricating conducting polymer. This system ensures the unique fabrication ability at the MTL for polymer based material.

Pattern Generation Inkjet

4. Self-configure building block. We use permanent magnets to create the latch by shifting the configuration of the Halbach array. It can flip the magnetic field from the outside of the face to the inside so that most of the field no longer reaches the metal plate on the opposite face, allowing it to be retracted. A Halbach array is composed of cubic magnets and each up or down magnet is flanked by two magnets facing sideways to redirect the fields of the up and down magnets to extend almost entirely to one side of the face. It is allowed to build a flexible storage management system by modular unit.

    SCBB 1    SCBB2 SCBB3 Current prototype