##Metadata for Tuolumne_combined_timeseries_Q_2002_2015.csv ##Contact: Jessica D. Lundquist (jdlund@uw.edu), University of Washington ##Updated: 7/19/2016 ##Title: Discharge for 6 sub-basins of the Tuolumne River Watershed, California ##PI: Jessica D. Lundquist (jdlund@uw.edu), University of Washington ##Funding: National Science Foundation, CBET-0729830, and NASA Grant-NNX15AB29G Summary: Best estimates of discharge at a half-hourly timestep at 6 sub-basins in the Tuolumne River Watershed in cubic-meters-per-second (cms). Where multiple estimates of discharge were available, we chose the most reliable instrument and location. The record was inspected by eye, and times with likely ice jams were replaced with NaN values. Accuracy & Quality Control: Details are provided for each site in their individual files. The upstream Lyell Fork gage was used preferentially to the downstream gage, and the Bug Camp Dana Fork gage was used preferentially to the Dana Lodge gage. At Budd Creek, the data varied between upstream and downstream as documented in that individual site's file. Location: Tuolumne River Watershed, Yosemite National Park Q01: Lyell Below Maclure, 37.777, -119.261, 2940 m Q02: Lyell Fork, 37.869, -119.331, 2640 m Q03: Dana Fork, 37.877, -119.338, 2640 m Q04: Tuolumne at Highway 120, 37.876, -119.355, 2600 m Q05: Delaney Creek, 37.883, -119.381, 2600 m Q06: Budd Creek, 37.873, -119.382, 2600 m near Lee Vining, California, USA (Tuolumne County) Data Citation: Lundquist, J. D., Roche, J. W., Forrester, H., Moore, C., Keenan, E., Perry, G., Cristea, N., Henn, B., Lapo, K., McGurk, B., Cayan, D. R. and Dettinger, M. D. (2016), Yosemite hydroclimate network: Distributed stream and atmospheric data for the Tuolumne River watershed and surroundings. Water Resour. Res., doi:10.1002/2016WR019261 Variables and Units: date_time - half-hourly time stamp, in format 'yyyy/mm/dd HH:MM:SS' Q01 - estimated discharge for Lyell below Maclure (cubic meters per second, cms) Q02 - estimated discharge for Lyell Fork (cubic meters per second, cms) Q03 - estimated discharge for Dana Fork (cubic meters per second, cms) Q04 - estimated discharge for Tuolumne at Highway 120 (cubic meters per second, cms) Q05 - estimated discharge for Delaney Creek (cubic meters per second, cms) Q06 - estimated discharge for Budd Creek (cubic meters per second, cms) NaN = no data