Bamford Laboratory

Pictures and Movies

bamfordFM1-43 Movie - Multiphoton image of corticostriatal terminals from mice labeled with the styryl dye FM1-43. Loading of FM1-43 by cortical bipolar stimulation reveals linear arrays of fluorescent puncta forming en passant corticostriatal afferents. Changes in fluorescence intensity during restimulation demonstrate dopamine-dependent modification of terminal activity.

Bamford Laboratory

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

A position is available from July, 2008 in Neurology for an experienced and self-motivated post-doctoral fellow. The successful applicant will conduct electrophysiology research in striatal synaptic plasticity at the University of Washington, Seattle. A proven track record of experience performing whole-cell patch clamp recordings in brain slices is essential. The fellow will expand their skills by integrating optical, behavioral and electrophysiological recordings to determine the effect of repeated psychostimulants on corticostriatal activity in the dorsal and ventral striatum.

Candidates must have an MD or a PhD in biological sciences. Applications should include a cover letter describing research interests and past accomplishments, curriculum vita, bibliography and the names of 3 references. Strong analytical, writing, communication (in English) and problem solving skills are desired.

To apply, please send materials to:

Nigel S. Bamford
University of Washington
Dept. Neurology
Box 356465
1959 NE Pacific Street
Seattle, WA 98195
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Summary of Proposed Research Project

The basal ganglia play an important role in habit formation and substance dependence. Excitatory glutamatergic projections from the cerebral cortex innervate the basal ganglia at the striatal medium spiny neuron, which also receives modulatory dopamine projections from midbrain nuclei as well as cholinergic inputs from tonically activated striatal interneurons. Psychostimulants and other drugs of abuse are known to produce alterations in these neurotransmitters, suggesting their implicit involvement in the synaptic mechanisms underlying dependence.

The Bamford laboratory has shown that dopamine depresses the release of glutamate from a subset of cortical terminals, providing filtering of cortical information to the striatum. Repeated use of psychostimulants in mice prevents striatal filtering by producing a chronic striatal depression in withdrawal that is renormalized by drug reinstatement. This effect is dose dependent, long lasting (>140 days) and is dependent on a new D1 receptor effect seen only in animals with previous psychostimulant experience. During withdrawal, a psychostimulant challenge produces a paradoxical increase in glutamate release by activating cholinergic-releasing interneurons. These mechanisms extend to locomotor sensitization and drug intake escalation – both hallmarks of addiction.

The Bamford laboratory offers students and fellows a unique opportunity to determine how changes in striatal synapses might produce alterations in animal behavior. The Bamford laboratory uses a combination of behavioral, optical and electrophysiological experiments to determine the effects of repeated psychostimulants on striatal function. Students can utilize a newly developed imaging technique that allows direct visualization of presynaptic release from cortical projections in murine striatal slice preparations. These optical studies can be integrated with whole-cell patch clamp recordings to delineate the characteristics of the corticostriatal pathway and the effects of dopamine transmission at the striatal medium spiny neuron. In vivo manipulations of transgenic and wild-type mice will provide models with which to investigate synaptic plasticity that occurs following repeated use of psychostimulants. The outcome of these investigations will demonstrate how alterations in dopamine release produce corticostriatal plasticity, show mechanistically how aberrant striatal excitation might lead to certain animal behaviors, and will provide further insights into pharmacological alternatives for the treatment of addiction.

Bamford Laboratory

Previous Laboratory Trainees


Jeff K. Erbe

Summer, 2003: Visiting Undergraduate Student.
Jeff spent 3 months in the laboratory for a K College Summer Internship Project (SIP), Department of Psychology, Kalamazoo College, MI. Jeff used immunohistochemistry to determine if methamphetamine induces cell death in the murine dorsal striatum. His work was published in the Society for Neuroscience Abstracts (2004).

Namita Singh, MSII

Summer, 2004: Visiting Medical Student.
Namita spent 3 months in the laboratory for a UCR/UCLA School of Medicine Summer Internship Project. Namita used immunohistochemistry to determine if methamphetamine induces cell death in the murine dorsal striatum. Her work was published in the Society for Neuroscience Abstracts (2004).

Tushar Kumar, MSII

Summer, 2005: Medical Student, University of Washington.
Tushar used immunohistochemistry to determine the effect of methamphetamine on c-fos expression in the murine striatum. His research project was supported by the University of Washington Medical Student Research Training Program (MSRTP).

Melissa Au-Yeung

January – June 2006: Undergraduate in Neurobiology, University of Washington.
Melissa used immunohistochemistry to determine the effect of methamphetamine on c-fos expression in the murine striatum. She received credits for NBIO 499B, Individual Research in Neurobiology.

Whitney Hanan

September, 2006 – June, 2007: Undergraduate in Biology, University of Washington.
Whitney performed behavioral experiments on psychostimulant-treated mice. She received credits for NEURO 499 Individual Research in Neurology. Whitney presented her work at the annual UW Undergraduate Research Symposium (2007) and the Seattle Children’s Hospital Research Institute Symposia (2007). Her work was published in Ann. Neurol. (2007) and in Neuron (2008).

Brian Gaudino

July, 2006 – June, 2007: Visiting Student, Skidmore College.
Brian prepared tissue samples for optical and electrophysiological experiments.

Anita Bhansali, MS1

July, 2007 – February, 2008: Medical Student, University of Washington.
Anita performed whole-cell patch recordings in murine striatal slice preparations. Anita’s research project was supported by the University of Washington Medical Student Research Training Program (MSRTP). Anita published her work in the J. of Investigative Med (2008) and Journal Physiology (2012).

Jessica Towne Weimer

March, 2007 – February, 2008: Laboratory volunteer.
Jessica was a graduate from Seattle University. She was responsible for tissue preparation and learned whole-cell patch clamping. Jessica plans to apply to Graduate School at Northwestern, Chicago. Jessica presented her work at the annual UW Undergraduate Research Symposium (2008) published her work in the J. of Investigative Med (2008) and Journal Physiology (2012).

Christine A. Scarlis

July, 2006 – December, 2008: Undergraduate in International Studies, University of Washington.
Christine performed behavioral experiments on psychostimulant-treated mice. She received credits for NEURO 499; Individual Research in Neurology. For her work in the laboratory, Christine was awarded a Mary Gates Foundation Scholarship (2007-08) and a UW Undergraduate Research Travel Award (2007). Christine presented her work at the annual UW Undergraduate Research Symposium (2007, 08), the Seattle Children’s Hospital Research Institute Symposia (2007) and the annual Child Neurology Society meeting (2007). Her work was published in Ann. Neurol. (2007) and in Neuron (2008).

Lauren Ludwick

March, 2007 – February, 2008: Undergraduate in Biology, University of Washington.
March, 2007 – February, 2008: Undergraduate in Biology, University of Washington.

Dennis Dever, PhD

August, 2006 – August 2008: Graduate Student in Psychology.
Dennis performed optical studies in mice to determine how psychostimulants induce synaptic plasticity in the ventral striatum. Dennis received his doctoral degree in Psychology and Behavioral Neuroscience. Dennis published his work in the J. of Investigative Med and Journal Physiology (2012).

Janet Lowe, PhD

December, 2007 – January, 2009: Postdoctoral fellow.
Janet performed electrophysiological studies to determine striatal function and plasticity. Janet’s work was published in Journal Physiology (2012).

Phyllis Ying

Spring 2008 – 2009: Senior Undergraduate in Biology, University of Washington.
Phyllis performed behavioral experiments on psychostimulant-treated mice.

Angie Gleed

September, 2008 – January, 2009: Undergraduate in Biology, Brigham Young University, Rexburg Idaho.
Angie is analyzing the apoptotic effects of psychostimulants on acetylcholine interneurons.

Scott Funkhouser

Winter, 2008 – July 2009: Undergraduate Studies, University of Washington.
Scott performed behavioral experiments on congenital cocaine-exposed mice.

Natasza Posielski

Summer, 2009 & 2010.
Tasha determined the expression of D1 and D2 receptors on striatal spiny neurons and cholinergic interneurons. Her research was supported in part by a NINDS Recovery Act Summer Research Supplement. She received credits for NEURO 499 Individual Research in Neurology. Natasza currently attends medical school.

Andrew Thomas

Summer, 2009
Andrew determined the expression of D1 and D2 receptors on striatal spiny neurons and cholinergic interneurons. His research project was supported by the University of Washington Medical Student Research Training Program (MSRTP) and published in the J. of Investigative Med (2010).

Emily Eck

September, 2009 – January, 2011: Graduate in Biology, University of Washington.
Emily learned basic laboratory techniques and cared for genetic mice; genotype and breeding. Emily was a co-author on a paper published in Journal Physiology (2012). She received credits for NEURO 499 Individual Research in Neurology. Emily was recently accepted to the University of Washington School of Medicine.

Emily Shih

September, 2009 – July, 2010: Undergraduate in Biology, University of Washington.
Emily learning basic laboratory techniques and data analysis. She received credits for NEURO 499 Individual Research in Neurology.

Ioana Nitulescu

Winter, 2008 – June, 2011: Undergraduate in Chemistry, University of Washington.
Ioana performed data analysis and behavioral experiments on mice exposed to cocaine in utero. Her research was supported in part by NINDS Recovery Act Summer Research Supplement. Ioana was awarded a Mary Gates Foundation Scholarship (2009-10 and 2010-11) and Merage Scholarship (2010-11). Ioana was a co-author on a paper published in Journal Physiology (2012). She received credits for NEURO 499 Individual Research in Neurology. She is currently a graduate student in Chemistry at Harvard.

Jon Hall

January- June, 2010: Undergraduate, University of Washington.
Jon developed a mouse model to study the effect of corpus callosotomy on striatal function. He received credits for NEURO 499 Individual Research in Neurology.

Danielle Elizabeth Johnson

September, 2010 – June 2011: Undergraduate, University of Washington.
Danielle performed data analysis. She received credits for NEURO 499 Individual Research in Neurology.

Bamford Laboratory

nigel bamfordNigel S. Bamford

Principal Investigator
Associate Professor of Neurology, Pediatrics and Psychology
Office: (206) 616-4150
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Education: University of Utah, Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons


Current Laboratory Staff and Trainees


Wengang Wang, MD

Senior Research Scientist, University of Washington.
Dr. Wang has 16 years’ experience in patch-clamp electrophysiology, behavior and biochemistry.

Granville P. Storey, PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Neurology, University of Washington.

Ian J. Bamford

Student Researcher.
Ian analyses electrophysiological data.

Justin Lewis

Undergraduate, University of Washington.
Justin is using immunoblotting to determine GABA receptor concentrations in the motor striatum of mice exposed to cocaine in utero. He is a recipient of Mary Gates Research Scholarship (2010-11). He received credits for NEURO 499 Individual Research in Neurology.

Melissa Julyanti

Undergraduate in biology, University of Washington.
Using immunohistochemical techniques, Melissa is investigating the effects of prenatal cocaine exposure on GABA interneuron migration.

Linda Zhang

Undergraduate, University of Washington.
Linda manages the animal colony and is responsible for genotyping.