OMA&D Academic Counseling Services

March 13, 2023

Are you interested in Jewish languages, history, or cultures?

The Stroum Center for Jewish Studies offers annual funding opportunities to support research, language study, and conference attendance related to Jewish studies, for both graduate and undergraduate students. Learn more about funding opportunities in Jewish Studies:

Jewish Studies Graduate Fellowship

The Jewish Studies graduate fellowship offers annual grants of $4,000 to advanced graduate students in any discipline working on research projects related to Jewish studies. Fellows participate in workshops on public scholarship and Jewish studies topics, and present their work publicly through an in-person research presentation and an online article for our website.  

Applications for 2023-2024 graduate fellowships are due on April 30, 2023Learn more >

Grants for language study & research

Jewish Studies opportunity grants offer funding of up to $1,500 for language study, research, conference attendance, and other learning opportunities related to Jewish studies, for both undergraduate and graduate students. Learn more >

Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis through the end of spring quarter 2023.

Jacobovitz Scholarship

The Rabbi Arthur A. Jacobovitz scholarship for the advancement of Jewish studies offers an annual $5,000 grant to one full-time undergraduate student who has demonstrated exceptional commitment to Jewish studies. For examples of what that looks like, read the full description. The grant funds may be used at the student’s discretion towards tuition or other needs.

Applications for the 2023-24 grant will be due March 31, 2023. Graduate students may also be eligible but priority is given to undergraduates. Learn more >

Finish Line Dissertation Completion Fellowship

The Finish Line dissertation completion fellowship is an annual gift that offers one current UW Ph.D. candidate a $24,000 stipend, plus benefits, for completing a dissertation in a field or fields related to Jewish studies. 

Applications for the 2023-24 grant will be due March 31, 2023Learn more >