ASPO Otobase

Using 4D Server in a cross-platform environment

The following section will give you a better idea of how Otobase works in a networked environment.

Using a cache system

4D Server interacts with clients using an efficient disk cache system. A cache allows you to download and store frequently used files in order to speed up connection times.

As a client, when you connect to 4D Server for the first time a number of resource files are downloaded immediately and cached, or saved, on your computer. As long as these resources remain the same on the server you do not need to download them again. Each time you request a new file from the server, it is downloaded and cached for future use. As you continue to use Otobase and your cache files increase, your communication with the server consists mainly of just record data. You will notice a significant increase in the speed of Otobase's data entry and display.

Processing information in a cross-platform environment

Since 4D Server can handle both Mac and Windows clients, the cached files on the client-side must be compatible with the client's platform.

The Otobase Server structure file contains code for both client platforms. Likewise, plug-in documents such as the MDC_Audiotools must be in both Mac and Windows formats.

After installing Otobase Server, note that there are two folders for plug-in files: Mac4DX and Win4DX. Although these files may have similar names, they are not the same. Be sure not to delete or combine these folders.

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