• November 19, 2015

    2015 Michael Kyte Student Award


    Nominations are now accepted for the 2015 Michael Kyte Student of the Year Award.

    Submit your nominations to bayyam@uw.edu  by November 13th.

    Student awardee receives a plaque and reimbursement of travel expenses to the 2016 95th Annual TRB Meeting from PacTrans.

    Selection will be based upon accomplishments in three areas:

    •             Technical Merit and Research.  Evidence of research merit is based upon faculty nomination and evaluation of submitted written papers or reports.

    •             Academic Performance. Academic performance is based upon courses attempted and grades attained.

    •             Professionalism and Leadership. Evidence of professionalism and leadership can be in the form of presentations at professional society meetings and symposia, and       leadership in student professional activities.

     Please provide the following information when you submit your selection:

    1.            Academic Transcript

    2.            student name (with phonetic spelling, please)

    3.            a valid e-mail address for the student awardee

    4.            gender

    5.            high resolution head-shot photo of student in electronic format – minimum 300dpi

    6.            name of university at which student is enrolled

    7.            student bio not to exceed 250 words (the bio must also address why the student was selected for this particular award)

    8.            title of student’s thesis/dissertation (or primary transportation area of experience

    9.            Letter of Recommendation from Faculty