• March 03, 2015

    Robert Stevens Delivers PacTrans Leadership Training Seminar

    “How many of you remember what made you decide you wanted to become an engineer?”

    For some, it was digging in the soil, for another it was an experience working on dams. A current University of Washington junior in civil engineering explained, “Every part of civil engineering is interesting – because no matter where you go, you get to play in the world’s biggest sandbox; it’s just what tools you want to play with.”

    Robert Stevens, ASCE President

    Dr. Robert Stevens, President of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), posed this question to students and professionals alike in his talk, “Engineering the Future,” on February 19. Using his own prolific career and involvement in ASCE as a springboard, Stevens discussed the outlook of civil engineering education and leadership development, and dispensed words of wisdom for young engineers still exploring their educational and professional path.

    Regarding the qualities required to excel in engineering leadership today, Stevens offered specific advice. “Participate. You’ve got to speak up. If you want to succeed, and by succeed, I mean have a career that you enjoy, you need… to work with other people,” said Stevens. “It comes from taking the risk and trying. When you’re asked to raise your hand, raise your hand. Get involved. Don’t be hearers, be participants.”


    Watch the “Engineering the Future” recorded webinar