• April 21, 2015

    PacTrans Student Leadership Training: Marsha Anderson Bomar and the Language of Leadership

    Marsha Anderson Bomar is a transportation entrepreneur, leader, and trailblazer for women in transportation engineering with a list of awards and recognitions that rivals the length of a term paper. To get to where she is today, Anderson Bomar recognizes the importance of developing strong communication skills for career and leadership success. For the PacTrans Student Leadership Training on April 20, Anderson Bomar critically examined the way language can work for and against us, the communication differences between men and women, and what students can do now to build skills to grow as strong leaders.

    Of particular focus were the challenges faced by women in light of different communication styles. For instance, Anderson Bomar explained that women “often start off with words that weaken what we say, even if we’re sure.” I think, I believe, I guess all become disclaimers in the way women introduce ideas.

    “If the idea is even worthy of being spoken, don’t undermine it,” said Anderson Bomar. She offered a more confident way of posing an idea: “I have an idea I would like to run by you. It may need some refining, but it’s good.”

    In addition to gender, generational differences offer an opportunity to bridge the language style divide. Anderson Bomar cited sports as a galvanizing force of the baby boomer generation. By using sports-oriented terms such as “game plan,” one can appeal to and incite action in this age group, particularly with men.

    Anderson Bomar also offered suggestions for how students can prepare for leadership now, including practicing public speaking. Also, when the opportunity for volunteering to participate on a project arises, say yes. Eventually, volunteer to lead a project and in the process, Anderson Bomar explained, students will simultaneously learn and build confidence.
