• February 19, 2016

    Tech Transfer #2: Green Roads Bootcamp – COMPLETED!




    Last month we posted all of the success story projects that PacTrans gave additional funding for technology transfer.

    Success Story #2 involved the University of Washington’s American Public Works Association (APWA) Student Chapter hosting an event called, GreenRoads Bootcamp. Thus on January 28th, 2016, this full‐day training event involved: (1) a 1‐hour general audience lecture about roadway sustainability and Greenroads, (2) a 2‐hour in‐depth training session on how to use the Greenroads Rating System to rate roadway projects, (3) a 1‐hour information session with interested students, and (4) free passes for any in attendance wishing to take the Greenroads professional accreditation exam (STP Exam).

    More than 50 students attended the lunchtime general audience lecture session. Further 14 graduating seniors and a few grad students stuck around for the extended Greenroads 201 session, where we learned about how certification works and what kinds of things to look for on a project to make it greener, and what things lend to better success.

    Check it out by clicking the link below:


