• April 25, 2016

    Dr. Wang Begins Consortium Visits with Trip to OSU


    As our Pacific Northwest Transportation Consortium applies to continue representing the region as its University Transportation Center for the next 5 years of FAST Act grant funding, PacTrans director Dr. Yinhai Wang has committed to spend some time with researchers from each of the five consortium universities. These meetings are meant to keep faculty and researchers apprised of the direction the center is headed and gain knowledge of researchers’ expertise in the newly elected focus area for our prospective center.

    The first such meeting happened in-person on Oregon State University’s campus in Corvallis, Oregon on Friday, April 15. Dr. Wang and University of Washington faculty member Don MacKenzie hosted a small, informal workshop with current and potential PacTrans PIs in CCE concerning transportation engineering topics of regional importance. Pictured above: Don MacKenzie, Yinhai Wang, David Hurwitz (newly appointed associate director of PacTrans), and Chris Bell (former associate director of PacTrans).