• November 01, 2018

    Sharing with new friends: Civil engineering faculty discuss their practices and problems at the 3rd Transportation Engineering Education Workshop

    Members of the civil engineering faculty specializing in transportation engineering gathered in Auburn, AL to attend the 3rdannual Transportation Engineering Education Workshoplast spring, from May 22-23.

    The two-day workshop and conference offered transportation engineering faculty the chance to share their best practices in engineering education, develop activities for their classes, and build a stronger professional relationship with other teaching faculty through networking.

    45 professors were in attendance, along with a handful of PhD students in civil engineering. PacTrans PI, Kevin Chang, from the University of Idaho, also made an appearance as a guest speaker.

    The workshop’s committee, consisting of four members total, featured two of PacTrans’ constituents; David Hurwitz, an associate professor of transportation engineering at OSU, and Rhonda Young, an associate professor of civil engineering at Gonzaga University.

    The workshop covered topics going beyond transportation engineering and saw active engagement from its participants. Over the course of the two days, attendees worked in groups to develop their curricular material and course activities, allowing them to meet and collaborate with others across the nation in similar positions and who faced the same issues, and further strengthening the development of a professional network between attendees through face-to-face interactions.

    With the support of the Southeastern Transportation Research, Innovation, Development and Education Center (STRIDE), Auburn University, the National Science Foundation, and PacTrans, the event was offered without a registration fee. PacTrans director, Yinhai Wang, authorized a $1,000 contribution from PacTrans.