• November 06, 2018

    PacTrans and WSDOT TDM/CTR workshop sees great turn out

    PacTrans and WSDOTsaw a great turn out at the TDM/CTR workshop they worked together to organize and held late last month.

    The workshop’s theme was focused on transportation demand management (TDM) and commute trip reduction (CTR) strategies, the new opportunities they have to offer, and the challenges they will inevitably pose in the era of shared mobility services.

    The workshop featured four panels, at which panelists were able to share their insights on new mobility options and they can help CTR programs. Topics covered during the panels included current CTR programs and their challenges, new opportunities offered by emerging mobility services, active transportation options, and potential collaboration between transit agencies and new mobility services.

    The workshop also witnessed active discussions from the event’s 50 participants regarding possible collaborations between public and private sector stakeholders.

    This event was made possible by PacTrans Associate Director for Research, Jeff Ban, PacTrans Associate Director for Education, Anne Moudon, Qing Shen from UW, and Michael Wandler and Richard Lee from WSDOT, who worked together to co-organize the workshop.

    Additionally, SP+, a newer mobility service provider, provided generous financial support for this event.