• December 06, 2018

    Register for ITS Washington’s annual conference

    ITS Washington, along with the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC), UW, and WSDOT, proudly presents its two-day Transportation Systems and Management Operations (TSMO) training and annual conference event next week.

    Day one takes place on Monday, Dec. 10 from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the PSRC in downtown Seattle.

    Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in a TSMO training session focused on developing and deploying strategies that maximize the use of current infrastructure in order to increase the safety and mobility of our community.

    They will also hear from local practitioners about how they plan, develop, fund, coordinate, and apply TSMO strategies, and have the chance to engage in a discussion regarding what the appropriate steps that should be taken are in order to further integrate TSMO into their area of practice.

    Day one will be followed by happy hour at Flatstick Pub located in Pioneer Square.

    The Annual Conference and Exhibition on day two will be held on Tuesday, Dec. 11 from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the North Ballroom located in UW’s HUB.

    The conference gathers together professionals from all over the PNW and then some, and gives participants the chance to spend the day networking, sharing practices, and collaborating with individuals with backgrounds in varying sectors of the transportation industry.

    This year’s exhibition will spotlight the most innovative technology in transportation today.

    The event will also feature WSDOT Transportation Secretary, Roger Millar, as a keynote speaker.

    ITS Washington is made up of transportation and technology professionals from a variety of agencies, private companies, academic institutions, and many more that are dedicated to the research, planning, development, and deployment of intelligent systems in transportation.

    For more information or to register for this event, click here!