• June 26, 2020

    PacTrans partners up on Pandemic Urbanism Symposium

    In late May, PacTrans partnered with a number of current and recently graduated doctoral students from the University of Washington’s College of the Built Environment, who organized an event titled, “the Pandemic Urbanism Symposium.

    This one-day, virtual event brought together more than 50 academics, researchers, practitioners, and activists to share their thoughts on the emerging state of pandemic urbanism. With over 1200 registrants, the symposium offered three plenary sessions and eight breakout sessions on a variety of subjects, all geared at answering questions such as: What does COVID-19 mean for city life? What are the implications of this pandemic for urban form, mobility, sociability, and politics?

    PacTrans assisted with the promotion of this event, both for the call for proposals for presentations, as well as for attendees to the general event. One University of Washington, PacTrans student researcher, Parastoo Jabbari, was successfully selected to present during the breakout session on mobility. She presented recent longitudinal survey results having to do with perceptions of shared mobility before and during the COVID-19 quarantine/physical distancing orders.

    PacTrans’ role also included utilization of our Zoom Webinar account and a staff person to host one of the two breakout session virtual rooms. For more information on the event, visit their website: http://pandemicurbanism.com/