• November 06, 2020

    UI Student Clean Snowmobile Team brings Home Hardware

    Each year the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) hosts a Clean Snowmobile Challenge where student teams from around the US and Canada develop clean snowmobiles and then use them to compete in a variety of competitions. This past year, PacTrans consortium partner University of Idaho’s student team won several of these categories.

    “Our team is continuing to prove two-stroke engines are a viable option for clean, quiet, and fuel-efficient snowmobiles.”

    In addition to receiving fourth place overall, the UICSC performed well in several the events at competition, earning:

    Best Value from Continental EMITECH
    1st for In-service Emissions
    1st in Fuel Economy
    1st in Subjective Handling
    Best Design Winner from Oshkosh

    “We are extremely proud of what we have accomplished and have begun building toward next year. Once again, thank you for your [PacTrans] continued support and involvement.”