• September 21, 2022

    UW Undergrad Researcher Awarded Two Accolades

    Peter Yu is an undergraduate researcher in the UW Smart Transportation and Application REsearch (STAR) Lab. We are very excited to announce that he has recently received a handful of prestigious student accolades.

    He recently earned four awards/scholarships including: the ITE Western District Best Student Paper Award, the R.H. Thomson Memorial Scholarship, the Luther E. Gregory Scholarship, and the Hans M. & Billie A. Skov Scholarship in Civil Engineering. 

    He was awarded the 2022 ITE Western District Best Student Paper Award for a paper titled “Development of a Triplet of Enhanced Yellow Change Interval Kinematic Formulas for Vehicular Turn Phases at Signalized Intersections.” Established in 1979, the Student Paper Award annually recognizes the best paper written by an ITE Western District student member. The purpose of the Student Paper Award is to encourage ITE student members to conduct and report on independent and original research and investigation of transportation subjects and to provide a means for recognizing outstanding accomplishments in this area.

    Peter received the R.H. Thomson Memorial Scholarship from the ASCE Seattle Section. The Seattle Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) has established a scholarship program in memory of R. H. Thomson, an outstanding engineer and a significant contributor to the development of the City of Seattle. The Award was m established to recognize, encourage, and assist promising students who have expressed interest in pursuing a career in the field of Civil Engineering.

    Finally, he received both the Luther E. Gregory Scholarship, and the Hans M. & Billie A. Skov Scholarship in Civil Engineering from the UW Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

    Congratulations Peter!