• April 26, 2023

    PacTrans Participates in 2023 National Mobility Summit of UTCs

    In mid-March, the Mobility21 National University Transportation Center, led by Carnegie Mellon University, hosted the fourth Annual National Mobility Summit of the US Department of Transportation University Transportation Centers. This annual event provides an opportunity for policymakers, public agencies, private industry, non-profit organizations, and UTCs focused on mobility, to come together for a day-long summit to explore the current state of many aspects of the transportation industry, current and emerging research needs, and opportunities for collaboration and partnership.

    Both PacTrans director, Yinhai Wang, and PacTrans assistant director, Cole Kopca participated in this event. During the poster session towards the end of the summit, Mr. Kopca also gave a short presentation highlighting some of the great research PacTrans has been engaged in over the past year.

    Among the series of excellent panels, one panel featured administrators of seven different DOT departments speaking about ongoing and upcoming activities, including opportunities for research funding and partnership.