• April 27, 2023

    PacTrans Spinoff wins 2022 U.S. Department of Transportation Small Business Innovation Research Award

    PacTrans’ recent spinoff company, AIWaysion, was a recent recipient of the 2022 U.S. Department of Transportation Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Award. The project, titled, Edge Server-Based AI Application for Dilemma Zone and Traffic Conflict, falls under the SBIR topic of, “AI Video Analysis of Dilemma Zone and Other Conflicts at Signal Controlled Intersections (22-FH2).” The SBIR program is highly competitive and provides contracts to U.S. small businesses to pursue research on and develop innovative solutions to our nation’s transportation challenges.

    The PI for this project is Dr. Wei Sun, who was formerly a postdoc in the UW STAR Lab and helped the lab to move a STAR Lab-developed sensor suite from research, to patenting, and then into a spinoff company. Dr. Sun is now the CEO of that company, AIWaysion. They develop next-generation Connected Vehicle technology and provide Smart Mobility Solutions using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Edge Computing technologies for safer and more efficient transportation.