• August 17, 2016

    Engineering for Resilience: OSU CCE’s SURF Students Present Research on Cascadia Subduction Zone Hazards


    SURF 2016b

    This summer, Oregon State University’s annual Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program provided eleven fellowships to support hands-on research toward increasing community resilience in response to Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ) earthquakes and tsunamis. During the seven-week program, students participated in a specific project related to CSZ hazards, learned about engineering for natural hazards resilience, and developed research skills to increase graduate school opportunities.

    Each student was equipped with a $4,500 stipend, and a research project with a faculty mentor, and had the opportunity to participate in field trips to Newport, Oregon for site-specific field work, weekly seminars from noted speakers on earthquake and tsunami resilience, informal lunch meetings to discuss graduate school, and most recently a final symposium on August 4, 2016 to highlight the students’ hard work.

    PacTrans consortium universities are committed to workforce development and to encouraging students to pursue higher level transportation related educations. This is one such example of the many ways that our partners are leading the fight to mitigate huge shortfalls in the field of transportation expertise.

    For more information about each student project, visit the program’s website here.

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