• March 23, 2021

    MARCH 25: PacTrans Consortium Partner Gonzaga hosts Event on Transportation, Social Justice, and Inclusion

    Exploring social justice and inclusion in transportation through the context of the major transportation projects in the northeastern and east central neighborhoods of Spokane.

    Event date –Thursday, March 25th

    Time:  5:00 – 6:30 PM

    Webpage – www.gonzaga.edu/civilsocialjustice

    Zoom Webinar, Registration Required:  https://gonzaga.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_CZdRkc02QUqp-gqfNfbR4A


    • Background into transportation, social justice and inclusion and brief history into how major transportation projects like Interstate 90, the railroads, and now the North Spokane Corridor have shaped and impacted the communities in East Central and Northeast Spokane.
      • Dr. Rhonda Young, P.E., Professor of Civil Engineering, Gonzaga University
    • Community perspectives on transportation
      • Dave Richardson, Executive Director of the Northeast Community Center
      • Betsy Wilkerson, Spokane City Council Member representing District 2 who grew up in East Central Neighborhood
    • Public engagement process that Washington Department of Transportation been using communities during the design and construction of the North Spokane Corridor project.   Discussion on how public involvement has changed at WSDOT and where it may be headed.
      • Charlene Kay, P.E., MURP, MPA, Eastern Region Planning and Strategic Community Partnerships Director, Washington Department of Transportation
      • Mike Gribner, P.E. Regional Administrator for the Eastern Region, Washington Department of Transportation
    • Q&A Session