PacTrans News

  • January 7, 2015

    You’re Invited: TRB Reception, Monday, January 12

    Transportation Research Board reception

  • December 23, 2014

    Kristian Henrickson Named PacTrans Student of the Year

    University of Washington PhD student Kristian Henrickson is the 2014 PacTrans University Transportation Center Student of the Year. The award is given to students for accomplishments in technical merit and research, academic performance, and professionalism and leadership. His nominator stated that Kristian is “a very determined and dedicated young man” whose analytical skills and collaborative research experience have “well prepared him to be a future leader in transportation.”

    Kristian is a graduate research assistant at the UW Smart Transportation Applications and Research Laboratory (STAR) Lab, directed by Dr. Yinhai Wang, and he also serves as the lab manager. Kristian completed his undergraduate degree in Civil Engineering at the University of Idaho, where he worked as an undergraduate research intern with the National Institute for Advanced Transportation Technology under the direction of Dr. Ahmed Abdel-Rahim. His major research fields include traffic sensing, sensor data management, and data quality control. In his first two years at the UW, Kristian has been very active in research, teaching, and outreach. Kristian has contributed to a number of research projects at the STAR Lab on topics including traffic safety, network analysis, and data quality control. He has also been visible in the academic and professional communities, giving talks and technology demonstrations at conferences and developing collaborative research with other northwest universities.

    Kristian Henrickson pactrans

  • December 18, 2014

    2015 Western Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (WASHTO) Annual Conference

    PacTrans is proud to sponsor the 2015 Western Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (WASHTO) Annual Conference in Boise, Idaho July 19 -22.

    WASHTO 2015 will be attended by State Department of Transportation Directors, Chief Engineers, and executive leadership from the 18 westernmost states in the country, as well as executives from the US Department of Transportation and Federal Highways Administration. Other notable attendees are national transportation leaders from the private sector and academia.

    Approximately 500 attendees will be on hand to experience WASHTO 2015, which will feature informative breakout sessions, technical tours and information covering all areas of interest in highway transportation.

    For more information and to view the agenda, visit

    washto 2015

  • December 18, 2014

    Dr. Yafeng Yin Speaks on Advanced Parking Management

    Dr. Yafeng Yin presented his talk, “Modeling and Analysis of Advanced Parking Management for Traffic Congestion Mitigation,” at the University of Washington on December 15 for a PacTrans-sponsored transportation seminar. In this talk, Dr. Yin discussed how the proliferation of smart phones provides tremendous opportunity for addressing parking management. Current applications direct drivers to real-time availability and price information for parking spaces, and even allow users to reserve spaces. Dr. Yin also outlined a game-theoretical approach to examine the competition for downtown parking spaces, and parking reservation and temporal travel patterns of downtown areas.

    His talk attracted over forty participants from local agencies, companies, and research institutes. Parking management using mobile phone and other information technologies plays an important role in congestion mitigation in metropolitan areas.

    Dr. Yin is an associate professor at the Department of Civil and Coastal Engineering and the director of Transportation Research Center, University of Florida. He works in the areas of transportation systems analysis and modeling, and has published over 70 refereed papers in leading academic journals. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Transportation Research Part C and serves on the editorial boards for another five transportation journals such as Transportation Research Part B. He is also a member of Transportation Network Modeling Committee of Transportation Research Board. Dr. Yin received his Ph.D. from the University of Tokyo, Japan in 2002, his master’s and bachelor’s degrees from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China in 1996 and 1994 respectively. Prior to his current appointment, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher at University of California at Berkeley between 2002 and 2005. Between 1996 and 1999, he was a lecturer at Tsinghua University.


  • December 11, 2014

    PacTrans-Sponsored Transportation Seminar: Dr. Yafeng Yin, University of Florida


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