February 08, 2021
OSU’s Amy Wyman Receives PacTrans UTC Outstanding Student of the Year Award
Each year, every University Transportation Center has the opportunity to recognize one of its many brilliant student researchers with the UTC Outstanding Student of the Year award. Students are evaluated on accomplishments in three areas: (1) Technical Merit and Research, (2) Academic Performance, and (3) Professionalism and Leadership. This year, that prestigious award went to Oregon State University PhD candidate Amy Wyman.
Ms. Wyman is entering her 2nd year as a PhD student in the Oregon State University (OSU) Civil Engineering PhD program. She graduated with her bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from OSU in 2017, then worked for two years in Phoenix, Arizona as a traffic engineer at the civil engineering consulting firm Burgess & Niple before returning to OSU for graduate school. She is very excited to be a member of OSU’s Driving and Bicycling Simulator Laboratory, where she is currently researching bicyclist, pedestrian, and autonomous vehicle interactions. Amy is passionate about active transportation and transportation safety topics and promoting women and minorities in STEM. She is currently the President of the OSU Institute of Transportation Engineers Student Chapter.
In typical years, recipients of the UTC Outstanding Student of the Year Awards are honored during the CUTC Winter Awards Banquet that coincides with the TRB Annual Meeting in January in Washington D.C. This year, the annual meeting and the awards banquet were held virtually. The virtual event featured a short welcome from US Transportation Secretary Elaine Chow and a Keynote address from USDOT Deputy Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology (OST-R), Diana Furchtgott-Roth.
Congratulations Amy on this outstanding accolade!