• July 16, 2019

    OSU’s Jason Weiss receives ACPA’s Marlin J. Knutson Award for Technical Achievement

    Professor and Head of the School of Civil and Construction Engineering at OSU, Jason Weiss, was the recipient of the 2018 American Concrete Pavement Association’s (ACPA) Marlin J. Knutson Award for Technical Achievement

    The Marlin J. Knutson award honors the second President and CEO of the ACPA, Marlin J. Knutson, who was a strong advocate for applied research and technology during his lifetime. The award is presented annually to those who have made a meaningful contribution to the development and implementation of technical innovations and practices in the creation of concrete pavements. 

    Weiss was recognized for his applied research focused on the advancement of concrete pavement durability. Encompassed in his research was the application of the ring and dual-ring tests, resistivity test, and the “formation factor.” Many of Weiss’ achievements are important to the Performance Engineered Mixtures program and have become a catalyst to the development of the next generation specification for concrete pavement quality assurance. 

    On top of his position as a professor and Head of the School of Civil and Construction Engineering, Weiss also holds the position of the Edwards Distinguished Chair in Engineering, as well as the Director of the Kiewit Center for Infrastructure and Transportation Research. Prior to joining OSU, Weiss spent 16 years as a faculty member at Purdue University, where he was the Jack and Kay Hockema Professor of Civil Engineering and Director of the Pankow Materials Laboratory. 

    Weiss attended Pennsylvania State University, where he earned his B.A.E. in 1997, and went on to receive his M.S. and Ph.D. from Northwestern University in 1999. 

    Some of Weiss’ other research interests include: 

    • Behavior of Cement and Concrete at Early-Ages
    • Early Age Shrinkage and Cracking
    • Shrinkage Reducing Admixtures and Internal Curing
    • Durability of Reinforced Concrete Structures
    • Fracture Mechanics and Damage Localization
    • Non-Destructive Testing and In Situ Sensing
    • Freeze-Thaw Performance and Deicing Salt Degradation
    • Service Life Modeling and Simulation

    Congratulations to Jason Weiss on this amazing achievement!