• April 07, 2021

    PacTrans AD featured in ASCE’s Source on Engagement in Teaching

    Early last month, Civil Engineering Source, ASCE’s news and information hub, published a wonderful article about PacTrans Associate Director and OSU Professor of Civil and Construction Management, David S. Hurwitz. The article titled, Engagement and commitment are hallmarks of transportation engineering course at Oregon State University, summarized an interview conducted with Professor Hurwitz about the effectiveness of his teaching pedagogy.

    “I believe that teaching is a performance art. To promote effective information transfer and deep understanding of class content, we have to deliver an engaging ‘performance’ in the classroom,” said Hurwitz. “I work very hard to promote a welcoming classroom environment in which a variety of ideas and ways of being are welcomed and encouraged.”

    Dr. Hurwitz is the Eric H.I. and Janice Hoffman Faculty Scholar and the director of the Driving and Bicycling Simulator Laboratory in the School of Civil and Construction Engineering. He has been an instructor at the undergraduate and graduate levels for 12 years, and he has received many regional and national teaching awards, including the Faculty Teaching Excellence Award 2019-20, bestowed by OSU’s College of Engineering.

    To read more, see the article here.