• February 08, 2021

    PacTrans-funded COVID-19 Research on Work from Home gets Published

    In late Spring of 2020, PacTrans funded three quick research projects revolving around various aspects of COVID-19. One of these projects, titled, How to Sustain Work from Home? Employers’ and Employees’ Perspectives, is being led by Anne Vernez Moudon, Professor Emertius in Urban Design and Planning at the University of Washington.

    Dr. Vernez Moudon and her team, with partners at the Puget Sound Regional Council, have circulated a series of longitudinal surveys to investigate what aspects of work from home (WFH) employees and employers like or do not like, what challenges employers and employees have to overcome to practice WFH for a relatively long period of time (weeks or even a few months), and how likely employees and employers will continue WFH after COVID-19 is over.

    This work is ongoing but early Spring survey analysis can be found on the project profile page of the PacTrans website here. Further, this research team recently published a paper on this work in Transport Findings, and can be found here.