• September 19, 2017

    PacTrans hosts Delegations from Taiwan for Technology Symposium

    Several weeks ago, PacTrans hosted a delegation including senior engineer Ms. Chueh-Ting Chen and deputy director Mr. Zhenqi Wu from Taiwan Ministry of Transportation and Communications for a technology symposium. They were here seeking technological solutions to their intelligent transportation systems (ITS) development challenges and want to establish collaborations with us as well.

    During the symposium, PacTrans director, Yinhai Wang, presented an introduction of PacTrans and related research to the delegation. Ms. Chueh-Ting Chen introduced the ITS technology development and challenges in Taiwan. We also invited PacTrans PIs, Co-PIs and their research team to present their most innovative solutions. Dr. Joseph Wartman, Associate Professor at University of Washington, gave an excellent presentation about unmanned aircraft system assessments of landslide safety for transportation corridors. We also heard a lot about improving freeway traffic safety and efficiency, enhancing safe traffic operations using connected vehicles data and technologies, and digital roadway interactive visualization and evaluation network.