• April 16, 2018

    PacTrans Seminar Series Presents: Dr. Yongqiang Lyu

    This past month, PacTrans had the distinct pleasure to host Dr. Yongqiang Lyu, Associate Professor at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. Dr. Lyu conducts research on the biosensing and human-computer security based on micro architecture and embedded system technologies. He came to the University of Washington deliver a presentation titled, Sensing and Measurement of Human Physiology.

    The presenter gave a broad overview of a variety of human sensing technologies outside the conventional realm of transportation, and discussed potential transportation applications. Specifically, this talk addressed sensing methods for detecting and monitoring human vital signs, and a several signal processing and machine learning methods for extracting insight from noisy sensor data. He provided insight into his work on applying such sensing techniques to transportation and smart cities challenges.

    We are very grateful to Dr. Lyu for coming to the UW and sharing his great work with our students!