• November 08, 2016

    PacTrans STAR Lab Presents at WSDOT Public Transportation Conference


    PacTrans director, Dr. Yinhai Wang, and STAR Lab researcher, Ruimin Ke, attended the 40th Annual WSDOT Public Transportation Conference at Wenatchee convention center on September 20, 2016. During their presentation session, AI Hatten of Washington Transit Insurance Pool (WSTIP) introduced the panel of people who have been working on the IDEA grant project researching collision avoidance technology on public transit. The PI of the project, Dr. Jerome Lutin, gave an overview of the research, the rationale for reducing insurance claims, and the IDEA grant that funds the project. Later, Chris Quinlan of ROSCO explained the technology utilized in the project and talked about where they were conducting pilots with other transit agencies. Dr. Wang presented last, explaining PacTrans’ role in the project, mainly on data analysis and other analytical methods development. Then Dr. Wang briefly introduced the work PacTrans has done and is continuing to do, including data downloading, transit operator survey design, near-miss detection framework development, and the development of the preliminary cost-savings estimation framework.