• May 11, 2020

    Please Take This COVID-Related Survey

    The COVID-19 pandemic has caused repercussions on the global economy, societal norms, medical research, and personal travel. At this moment, while the world is still struggling to come out of this global problem, only time will tell how unprecedented losses (in terms of both life and economy) will be overcome. Under such a scenario, any sort of information is going to be very helpful moving forward.

    In this regard, researchers from across the globe have teamed up for a study to investigate the global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak on individual mobility. The main objective of this study is to investigate, document, and understand travel behavior in different countries and across the United States.

    For this purpose, your help is needed to complete a short 5-6 minute survey. The survey is completely anonymous and you can opt out at any time. Please be assured that no data will be used for any purpose other than scientific research.

    The survey link is provided below. Also, please feel free to share this link with anyone else who may be able to offer valuable insight. Thank you in advance.
